Legoland offered to give us Construction + Currency if we promised to give them Engineering.
This would take place about the same time as when we receive Monarchy.
Alternatively, Neu Dem is researching Currency and GoW is researching Construction. Vox had wanted to help us split the cost of Currency and was willing to pay 1/2 of the cost if we gave them Currency, however, with the northern war brewing and Vox trying to scheme a way to build cities on this continent, relations with Vox may soon be strained.
What should we do? Should we get Constr & Currency from Legoland, giving Engineering in exchange (an even trade), or should we stick with our Bob neighbors on this issue? With our hefty repayment schedule to Legoland, it may be in our best interest to aquire tradeable techs now and try to quickly research Engineering, another tradeable tech.
Or are there better ideas?
Please discuss.
This would take place about the same time as when we receive Monarchy.
Alternatively, Neu Dem is researching Currency and GoW is researching Construction. Vox had wanted to help us split the cost of Currency and was willing to pay 1/2 of the cost if we gave them Currency, however, with the northern war brewing and Vox trying to scheme a way to build cities on this continent, relations with Vox may soon be strained.
What should we do? Should we get Constr & Currency from Legoland, giving Engineering in exchange (an even trade), or should we stick with our Bob neighbors on this issue? With our hefty repayment schedule to Legoland, it may be in our best interest to aquire tradeable techs now and try to quickly research Engineering, another tradeable tech.
Or are there better ideas?
Please discuss.