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IMPORTANT! GoW has contact with Lego asnd are asking if we want to make them an offer

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  • IMPORTANT! GoW has contact with Lego asnd are asking if we want to make them an offer

    I have just been informed by GenghisFarb (from GoW) that they have contact with Lego (who is on a sole continent) - they want us to make them an offer. This could be important as first in is first served.

    Thus GF has the save and is wanting to sell contact THIS TURN.

    You will find GF, GenTac and I in the #apolyton room, as well as GT and I in the #civ3rp room.

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

  • #2
    Since we don't have any tech to give them, that basically leaves money. We have 227g now and will probably earn an addition 30 before we have to upgrade our warriors. We will need 160 to upgrade four warriors immediately and about 30 for the embassy deal. that leaves 260-190=70 gold for contact. Hopefully we will get some gold back by trading with Lego. We will need this as a financial cushion in case of an emercency,
    Citizen of the Apolyton team in the ISDG
    Currently known as Senor Rubris in the PTW DG team


    • #3
      The money is for our safety. We need it to upgrade our warriors. It would not be a good idea to give that money to them

      In adition, our maintenance costs begin to be quite high, and they are supose to raise from turn to turn. What could Lego give us to compensate that?
      "Never trust a man who puts your profit before his own profit." - Grand Nagus Zek, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, episode 11
      "A communist is someone who has read Marx and Lenin. An anticommunist is someone who has understood Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)


      • #4
        We have a longstanding agreement with Lego, and surely it would be in our best interests to make contact with them ASAP to ensure the other civs don't destroy that agreement with their own contracts with Lego. They are tech-lagged, so they likely have more money. If we don't get in quick, we will have no luck.
        Where;s the chain of command? We can't but rely on a despot alone - even he needs sleep.

        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


        • #5
          OliverFA is the Most Trusted Advisor, so he can fill in for Togas.


          • #6
            I just got a PM from Panzer on this issue. I'll outline everything I've been told in a report to the depot in the Diplomacy thread.

            -- adaMada

            EDIT: Report is posted.
            Last edited by adaMada; March 9, 2003, 13:07.
            Civ 3 Democracy Game:
            PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
            Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


            • #7
              Chat with Vondrack

              Session Start: Sun Mar 09 12:42:50 2003
              Session Ident: vondrack
              [12:42] * Logging vondrack to 'logs\vondrack.GRNet.log'
              [12:43] [E_T> We hear that you now have contact with GoW
              [12:46] [vondrack> yes, that's correct
              [12:46] [vondrack> technically, they have a contact with us
              [12:46] [vondrack> our galley ended up close to their cultural borders
              [12:47] [vondrack> but we were unable to see any units
              [12:47] [vondrack> so we did not get a contact
              [12:47] [vondrack> but they were able to spot the galley on their turn
              [12:48] [E_T> how soon do you think that you'll have the galley down close to that one spot on the minimap??
              [12:50] [vondrack> not really sure... we hope to get a couple of contacts through GoW, so we will probably use the galley to finish exploring that mid-way island (it's of high strategic importance, I believe)
              [12:50] [vondrack> I would say 10-15 turns
              [12:51] [E_T> we are working to try to get the contact through GoW, but really don't have much to offer them at this point in time
              [12:52] [E_T> that's why I'm asking
              [12:52] [vondrack> I see
              [12:53] [vondrack> well, 10-15 turns is the best we'd be able to do - at that assumes we do not have to recall the galley to transport any units to that island (if, for example, a resource tile is discovered there)
              [12:54] [vondrack> at that assumes = and that assumes
              [12:54] [E_T> have you traded any maps with GoW yet?
              [12:54] [vondrack> nope and we do not plan to
              [12:55] [E_T> if we get contact with you, through GoW, will you be open to a map trade with us? or any other trades?
              [12:56] [vondrack> Other trades, yes - as long as there is anything to trade, of course. But map trade, I am afraid, not.
              [12:56] [vondrack> There was a poll in Legoland and it ended up binding our representatives to reject any map trades
              [12:57] [E_T> no problem, I can see that you want to claim as much land as you can first
              [12:57] [vondrack> GoW asked for our world map, but we told them exactly the same
              [12:57] [vondrack> yes, that's correct
              [12:57] [vondrack> we started in a less than optimal location
              [12:58] [vondrack> and our only hope for a brighter future is to claim some better land south of that vast jungle
              [12:58] [vondrack> keeping our map to ourselves looks like a way to buy ourselves some time to settle it
              [12:59] [vondrack> tbh, we would engage anyone trying to land there
              [12:59] [vondrack> immediately
              [12:59] [E_T> do you have a tech agreement with GoW yet (i.e. have they gotten you caught up) or is there still techs that your lacking?
              [13:00] [vondrack> I do not think I am at liberty to go into details... but my understanding is that we will catch up after trading with GoW
              [13:00] [vondrack> considering what Nimitz told me about the techs you have available
              [13:01] [vondrack> I believe that we will pretty much catch up
              [13:01] [vondrack> barring any very recent developments
              [13:02] [E_T> we are trying to look at if it would be cost effective to buy contact with just some of our limited cash (and likely GPT) and then beable to "recoop" most what we had lost from you....
              [13:05] [vondrack> well, I am not sure about this... perhaps in a form of some complex deal...
              [13:05] [vondrack> we intend to go for The Republic very soon
              [13:06] [vondrack> so trading The Republic for, say Currency & Polytheism and the cash you'd spend on getting our contact now might be worth considering
              [13:06] [vondrack> but mind you, I am now "thinking aloud"
              [13:06] [vondrack> no authorization from my team
              [13:07] [vondrack> depends also on how much you would spend on getting our contact from GoW
              [13:07] [E_T> We are still working on Poly and it's still several turns away
              [13:07] [vondrack> I understand - we will have Republic in something like 20 turns
              [13:08] [vondrack> so it would be a future deal
              [13:08] [vondrack> but I am fairly sure we will get it before anyone else
              [13:08] [E_T> but we will need to have contact with you, so that we can "legally" start setting up a tech deal for teh future
              [13:09] [vondrack> "legally"?
              [13:10] [E_T> well, we don't have contact, so to say... but we have been sending "smoke siginals"....
              [13:11] [vondrack> I think there was no no-comm-before-ingame-contact rule set for this game
              [13:11] [vondrack> so I do not think it is necessary to have an ingame contact
              [13:11] [vondrack> before arranging a deal like that
              [13:12] [E_T> but when we do get actual contact, then we can really start doing things like summits and real future planning
              [13:13] [E_T> yes, but still, it make planning thing rather difficult without having that all important contact....
              [13:14] [vondrack> well, what I had in mind was that you'd now buy the contact and we would then agree to exchange Rep for Poly+Curr+recuperation once such a deal is possible
              [13:14] [vondrack> that should be okay, no?
              [13:14] [vondrack> Rep+recuperation for Curr+Poly
              [13:14] [vondrack> sorry
              [13:16] [vondrack> But we can postpone the actual ingame contact, if you do not feel like buying it from GoW now. We will get to that crossing point sooner or later.
              [13:16] [E_T> that will have to wait for teh diplomatic people and Togas. I'm just trying to get info, so that we can decide what is the better thing to do for the next several turns from now
              [13:17] [vondrack> Most probably, it would be in time to make the Rep for Curr+Poly deal anyway... and we would save the recuperation
              [13:17] [vondrack> ok, no problem
              [13:19] [E_T> I'll let them know, chat at you later
              Session Close: Sun Mar 09 13:22:17 2003
              Come and see me at WePlayCiv
              Worship the Comic here!
              Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game

