Barcelona will complete his spearman in one turn (1450 BC) and start to build another item.
My suggestion is the following :
Since the growth of Barcelona is weak (pop 3 in 16 turns), she cannot become very productive for a while. She cannot be of a big relief for the defense, since she is very far from the front, and as hasn't any barracks, its units will not be very strong. If she begins constructing another spearman, that will take 10 turns and this will be a regular spearman.
It's normal that Madrid produces military units more quickly and of more, veterans as soon as she will possess the barracks.
Our two borders cities, Santiago and Saragossa, are a lot more close to the capital of Neu Dem than of the ours. In a not very far future, they could be the targets of cultural attacks of our foes.
This is the reason, I propose that Barcelona produces a temple as soon as the current spearman will be finished. This temple will increase our cultural production (that is currently roughly the same that for the others teams), and that will contribute to prevent Neu Dem to assimilate our cities.
Barcelona has a good potential in front of she. She is very near of our capital and she will have very few corruption. But it will be necessary to do it to grow as soon as possible with the assistance of the worker Arnelos, that will begin to bring fresh water in about 17 turns, after to have cut the forrest for Madrid, then irrigated and roaded its current tile.
A time the temple constructs, his new improvement could be a library (or maybe a galley, if we had Map Maping at this moment).
I await gladly your commentaries.
Pedro de la Alcantarilla
Governor of Barcelona
My suggestion is the following :
Since the growth of Barcelona is weak (pop 3 in 16 turns), she cannot become very productive for a while. She cannot be of a big relief for the defense, since she is very far from the front, and as hasn't any barracks, its units will not be very strong. If she begins constructing another spearman, that will take 10 turns and this will be a regular spearman.
It's normal that Madrid produces military units more quickly and of more, veterans as soon as she will possess the barracks.
Our two borders cities, Santiago and Saragossa, are a lot more close to the capital of Neu Dem than of the ours. In a not very far future, they could be the targets of cultural attacks of our foes.
This is the reason, I propose that Barcelona produces a temple as soon as the current spearman will be finished. This temple will increase our cultural production (that is currently roughly the same that for the others teams), and that will contribute to prevent Neu Dem to assimilate our cities.
Barcelona has a good potential in front of she. She is very near of our capital and she will have very few corruption. But it will be necessary to do it to grow as soon as possible with the assistance of the worker Arnelos, that will begin to bring fresh water in about 17 turns, after to have cut the forrest for Madrid, then irrigated and roaded its current tile.
A time the temple constructs, his new improvement could be a library (or maybe a galley, if we had Map Maping at this moment).
I await gladly your commentaries.
Pedro de la Alcantarilla
Governor of Barcelona