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1525bc (60): Orders, Results, Discussion
1525bc (60): Orders, Results, Discussion
Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET."
Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.Tags: None
It is popular knowledge, but anyway just to avoid confusions.
Astrologix Slaves move to the forest to help Arnelos SlavesLast edited by OliverFA; February 23, 2003, 15:54."Never trust a man who puts your profit before his own profit." - Grand Nagus Zek, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, episode 11
"A communist is someone who has read Marx and Lenin. An anticommunist is someone who has understood Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
Madrid expedition : N
With those Luxian rumbles on the horizon, we're probably very close to ND's swordsmen stack. We'll try to watch them to see if they're heading North towards the last Lux city (and maybe GoW), or South towards our lands..."Great artists have no country."
-Alfred de Musset
I hate to interject here, but it is most important that Astrologix does not join Arneleos in the chop. to explain I give the entire sequence recommended.
Edited turns 60 thru 66 due to original Madrid build and growth situation. No change to slave actions. Basically everything in Madrid is one turn later, and in turn 65 warrior substituted for spear then back to spear etc in 66 to synchronize for the chop bonus. Note there is an alternate of continuing 2 more Vet Warriors instead of Vet Spear for turns 66 and 67 but must be on something with 20 shields remaining (such as fresh Spear) at end of 67 to utilize the chop bonus collected tween turns. This choice is SMC perogative and planning will adjust to suit
turn 60
Astrologix ne,n,n ending across river in madrid
Arneleos chopping turn 2 of 10
Ruby_Maser begins road turn 1 of 3
Madrid will grow to size 5 tween turns. Spear in 1 put barracks in queue
Barcelona Spear in 3
turn 61
Astrologix nw,w ending across river
Arneleos chopping turn 3 of 10
Ruby_Maser roading turn 2 of 3
Madrid adj wf to 3,4,5,9,18 This gives 10 shields and zero growth Spear just made released to SMC beginning barracks in 4
Barcelona Spear in 2
turn 62
Astrologix begins road turn 1 of 3
Arneleos chopping turn 4 of 10
Ruby_Maser roading turn 3 of 3 to complete
Madrid Barracks in 3
Barcelona Spear in 1
turn 63
Astrologix roading turn 2 of 3
Arneleos chopping turn 5 of 10
Ruby-Maser w to mountain
Madrid Barracks in 2
Barcelona makes Spear releasing the warrior from garrison which heads to Madrid for eventual upgrade. Food now 5 of 20 (too early to begin worker) so begins spear in 10
turn 64
Astrologix roading turn 3 of 3 to complete
Arneleos chopping turn 6 of 10
Ruby-Maser begins mountain road turn 1 of 9
Madrid Barracks in 1
Barcelona spear in 9
turn 65
Astrologix moves e to the mountain
Arneleos chopping turn 7 of 10
Ruby_Maser roading mountain turn 2 of 9
Madrid Barracks complete Begin Vet Warrior in 1
Barcelona Spear in 8
turn 66
Arneleos chopping turn 8 of 10
Astrologix joins Ruby_Maser on mountain road turns 3,4 of 9
Madrid completes Vet Warrior which hangs around for Iron upgrade. Starts Vet Spear in 2
Barcelona Spear in 7
turn 67
Arneleos chopping turn 9 of 10
Astrologix & Ruby_Maser mountain road turns 5,6 of 9
Madrid Vet spear in 1
Barcelona Spear in 6
turn 68
Arneleos chopping turn 10 of 10
Astrologix & Ruby_Maser mountain road turns 7,8 of 9
Madrid completes Vet Spear released to SMC Begins Vet Spear in 1 (incl the chop bonus)
Barcelona Spear in 5
Turn 69
Arneleos begins road turn 1 of 3
Astrologix & Ruby_Maser complete mountain road turns 9,10 of 9 (sorry wasted 1 worker turn)
Madrid completes Spear with the chop bonus reconfig wf for food 3,5,9,18,20 yielding 8 shields +3 food start spear which will change to horse next turn
Barcelona Spear in 4
Turn 70
Arneleos road turn 2 of 3
Astrologix & Ruby_Maser head west to join the Iron roadway gang (and out of this discussion)
Horse appears on build list!
Madrid changes build to Horse in 3
Barcelona Spear in 3
Turn 71
Arneleos road turn 3 of 3 to complete
Madrid Horse in 2
Barcelona Spear in 2
Turn 72
Arneleos irrigate turn 1 of 4
Madrid Horse in 1
Barcelona Spear in 1
Turn 73
Arneleos irrigate turn 2 of 4
Madrid makes Vet Horse released to SMC begins Vet Horse in 4
Barcelona makes Spear which is released to SMC. Food now 15 of 20 just right to begin worker in 5
Turn 74
Arneleos irrigate turn 3 of 4
Madrid Vet Horse in 3
Barcelona worker in 4
Turn 75
Arneleos irrigate turn 4 of 4
Madrid Vet Horse in 2
Barcelona worker in 3
Turn 76
Arneleos moves sw and irrigates turn 1 of 4
Madrid Vet Horse in 1
Barcelona worker in 2
Turn 77
Arneleos irrigates turn 2 of 4
Madrid Makes Vet Horse which is released to SMC and grows to size 6 adjust wf to 3,4,5,9,18,20 producing 10 shields and +2 food current build beyond planning horizon. Since is on 10 shields, it is effecient for anything. (edit) since Iron will be avail next turn consider a 1 turn Vet warrior! (end edit)
Barcelona worker in 1
Turn 78
New Barcelona worker joins Arneleos irrigate turns 3,4 of 4
Sword appears on build list!
Upgrade any warriors present in Madrid!
Madrid build outside horizon
Barcelona makes worker shrinks then grows so should still be size 2. adjust wf to include current irrigation project next build beyond planning window but city will now grow in 10 instead of 20 but with probably less shields.
Planning endsLast edited by roadcage; February 24, 2003, 11:10.I used to be a builder. That was before I played Civ III
your plan is interesting and I support the idea Astrologix slaves building the Madrid-Pamplona road instead of helping chopping the forrest.
But I would Barcelona building our first galley instead of the second spearman.
If the Lego's continent is probably a great landmass, maybe we could discover it with our galley, sailing east, instead of waiting Lego's galley to try to join the Arnelos shown place much later.
Barcelona : no changes
galley? who is going to give us mapmaking? LegoLand has it but will be far past that build for them to contact and trade. If we study it ourselves it will be too late for this build.
In any event we are looking for a 20 shield thing rather than a 30 shield thing to make the next worker optimalI used to be a builder. That was before I played Civ III
roadcage, I like your idea. As I said I'm not a big fan of the forest choping feast, and this helps us geting the iron sooner.
However I thing you've forgoten that Madrid should build some warriors instead of spearman to upgrade them to swordman at the right time. Anyway this is decission of the Madrid governor."Never trust a man who puts your profit before his own profit." - Grand Nagus Zek, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, episode 11
"A communist is someone who has read Marx and Lenin. An anticommunist is someone who has understood Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
The Roadcage plan is excellent. If there are no objections from the Slave Master, I would like to impliment this new plan.
--TogasGreatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET."
Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.
More planning, this time for the Iron road and the Iron city
Turns 60,61
Visigoth Slaves road turns 2 and 3 of 3 completing
Turn 62
Visigoth Slaves move w,sw
Pamplona grows add wf to tile 2 it is of interest if that shiled is available or corrupted also if we get bonus shields on the growth. Will be making Spear in 1
Turn 63
Visigoth Slaves road turn 1 of 3
Pamplona makes spear starts Settler in 6, or 8 depending on corruption stated above. will use 8 in plan.
Turns 64,65
Visigoth Slaves road turns 2,3 of 3
Pamplona settler in 6
Turn 66
Visigoth slaves move sw
Pamplona settler in 5
Turn 67
Visigoth slaves road turn 1 of 3
Pamplona grows add tile 1 to wf
Settler in 4
Turns 68,69
Visigoth slaves road turns 2,3 of 3
Pamplona settler in 2
Turn 70
Astrologix and Ruby_Maser released from eastern front
moving w,w,nw to Pamplona 19
Visigoth Slaves move sw
Pamplona settler in 1
Turn 71
Astrologix & Ruby_Maser nw crossing river to Saragasso 14
Visigoth Slaves road turn 1 of 3
Pamplona makes Settler moving nw,nw,nw to Saragasso 14 next build beyond planning horizon.
Turn 72
Visigoth slaves road turn 2 of 3
Astrologix,Ruby_Maser,Settler move nw,w,w to Santiago 3
Turn 73
Visigoth Slaves road turn 3 of 3
Astrologix,Ruby_Maser,Settler move sw,sw joining Visigoth
Turn 74
Visigoth,Astrologix,Ruby_Maser move sw to Iron mountain
Settler moves s
Turn 75
Visigoth,Astrologix,Ruby_Maser Iron mountain road turns 1,2,3 of 9
Settler founds Iron City build is beyond planning horizon
Turn 76
Visigoth,Astrologix,Ruby_Maser Iron mountain road turns 4,5,6 of 9
Turn 77
Visigoth,Astrologix,Ruby_Maser Iron mountain road turns 7,8,9 of 9
Turn 78
Iron available to all cities.I used to be a builder. That was before I played Civ III
As I said a few posts above, I like Roadcage idea, so no objections about it
Fibrizzo has been running several simulations following my sugestions (hey, that's why I'm called Slave Master!) and the conclusions are that Astrologix Slaves make the time to the Iron Road shorter AND that Arnelos slaves are available to irrigate and help Barcelona grow.
If Saragossa or Pamplona build another worker the road will be connected a few turns earlier (with the three workers doing the job) but this decission has to be done in the next turn. Otherwise it will be too late."Never trust a man who puts your profit before his own profit." - Grand Nagus Zek, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, episode 11
"A communist is someone who has read Marx and Lenin. An anticommunist is someone who has understood Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
Pamplona is already set to make the Iron City settler. So that leaves Saragossa. This city will make a spear and grow on turn 65. Add tile 3 to wf. question is do we get the shield or not? So a worker could appear in 68 or 70. In any event a worker here will be best applied to mining 6, then 4, then roading and mining 3 all local tiles. I guess your question is should the worker be placed before the spear?
If so the worker is made this turn. The shield lost by de-pop was corrupted so it really isn't a loss and the city rebounds to size 2 on turn 65. the new worker could join but not work on turn 61, then the rest of the way would be 2 turn road vs 3 turn road. Yes, the Iron would be 2 turns earlier, but at the expense of several movement turns on the new slave. Even if built first, which looks to be a good change, the worker is best applied towards mining local tiles.
And we really need to be thinkng about temples and border expansions especially in the west. If the current Saragossa spear can be deferred, I would want to make it a temple.I used to be a builder. That was before I played Civ III
Pamplona: no orders this turn.
I checked the save, and the WF's for Pamplona were not micromanaged as asked on that turn. We, therefore, lost a turn on growing back to size 4. It isn't a gamebreaker, and I'm not pointing it out to be an @sshole. Only for the glory of Spain do I do so.... be an @sshole, I mean
"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country." -- Abraham Lincoln
"Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever, in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth." -- Albert Einstein, in regards to Mohandis Gandhi
Excellent plan we got here roadcage.
Continuing this, I think we can build a great army while we continue to expand. (both pretty rapidly) Pamplona can continue popping out settlers while Madrid builds vast offensive forces to backstab the NDevils with.
As I said earlier: We can be the most powerful civ and perhaps even win this game, if we play our cards right. Backstabbing ND is one of the aces.Last edited by ThePlagueRat; February 24, 2003, 08:16.My words are backed with hard coconuts.