Because some have doubted that the land we have seen is likely Legoland, I'll post the following image which shows the minimap Legoland originally sent us overlayed with our current minimap. The location on the far west of our vision in the water is the location where we have spoted coastal waters on the far side of the sea.
It would appear that Legoland may be a good bit closer to us than we would have originally suspected.
This raises the possibility that we can settle part of their continent if we get our own lands covered and they are slow enough to leave land open for us to do so (and we don't worry about pissing them off in the process ).
Please discuss.
It would appear that Legoland may be a good bit closer to us than we would have originally suspected.
This raises the possibility that we can settle part of their continent if we get our own lands covered and they are slow enough to leave land open for us to do so (and we don't worry about pissing them off in the process ).
Please discuss.