Regardless of what goes in the queue after the spearman, the next thing after that will be a worker. We just need to either build an improvement or some military units between now and then so that we can bulk up Madrid's population and food stores before popping out the worker (which reduces our pop again).
Ideally, I want to get Madrid to the point where it's either wavering between 2 and 4 pop while pumping out settlers or wavering between 3 and 5 pop while pumping out settlers.
Getting Madrid up there will be an issue due primarily to happiness, so building a temple might be nice (though we can always just station a second spearman in the city and raise the lux slider to 10% if we go to 5 pop).
A barracks would be great for building veteran rather than regular military units, a nice thing to be doing with GoW warriors looming about (though there's no guarantee they'll still be around and I'm pretty sure their conscript warrior and regular warrior are both very alone and not anything of a real threat).
A granary might be nice for both working our population up to that level and then rebounding from the pop-hit whenever we build the next settler. A granary lets a city become a far more efficient settler factory than we can currently muster. Problem is that a granary is the most expensive of these options and would greatly delay that worker (though we could do the worker first if we're going to build a granary - then have the worker build a MINE or two on the hills out of Madrid before moving on).
2 more spearmen might not be a bad idea either, or perhaps a spearman and 2 more warriors. They'd all be regulars, but sheer numbers might not be a bad idea with barbarians getting worse and our settlers needing protection.
Please offer arguments and votes.
Togas and I will obviously make the final decision on this issue, but input from the team would be highly valuable concerning this
Ideally, I want to get Madrid to the point where it's either wavering between 2 and 4 pop while pumping out settlers or wavering between 3 and 5 pop while pumping out settlers.
Getting Madrid up there will be an issue due primarily to happiness, so building a temple might be nice (though we can always just station a second spearman in the city and raise the lux slider to 10% if we go to 5 pop).
A barracks would be great for building veteran rather than regular military units, a nice thing to be doing with GoW warriors looming about (though there's no guarantee they'll still be around and I'm pretty sure their conscript warrior and regular warrior are both very alone and not anything of a real threat).
A granary might be nice for both working our population up to that level and then rebounding from the pop-hit whenever we build the next settler. A granary lets a city become a far more efficient settler factory than we can currently muster. Problem is that a granary is the most expensive of these options and would greatly delay that worker (though we could do the worker first if we're going to build a granary - then have the worker build a MINE or two on the hills out of Madrid before moving on).
2 more spearmen might not be a bad idea either, or perhaps a spearman and 2 more warriors. They'd all be regulars, but sheer numbers might not be a bad idea with barbarians getting worse and our settlers needing protection.
Please offer arguments and votes.
Togas and I will obviously make the final decision on this issue, but input from the team would be highly valuable concerning this
