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Internal PBEM Game #3 - anything goes

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  • #46

    Since your "I can't do without it" trait seems to be industrious...


    As for your second favorite trait... dunno, but I think you like religious and Egypt is already taken You could take the Persians, but that would be too easy The Americans are a powerhouse (industrious+expansionist) in the very early game, but their expansionist trait dies out. I don't know what about playing the Romans you didn't like (probably the militaristic and the early UU?), so perhaps the Persians or the Chinese aren't so great for you anyways That leaves the French (great traits, lousy UU), the Ottomans (perhaps overpowered AND you said you just felt out-of-place playing them or something like that ), and the Americans (great traits, lousy UU).

    Personally, I'd think the French or Americans would be your top picks for what little I know of your playstyle, but then again it's your playstyle... so pick!
    Last edited by Arnelos; January 27, 2003, 20:37.
    Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
    Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
    7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


    • #47
      Right now I'm between the Babylonians (never played them, but they might be fun), Persians & Ottomans (fun bullies with different GAs).

      Right now I'm reading strat articles on all three to see which sways me more.

      Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
      Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
      Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
      Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


      • #48
        Hey, if you still need someone for that 8th slot, I'll take it

        Grand Vizir Crousto of the Arabs
        Usually available from 16:00 to 23:00 GMT
        "Great artists have no country."
        -Alfred de Musset


        • #49
          Welcome Crousto
          Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
          Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


          • #50
            Crousto, you're in

            You'll be between astrologix and Oliverfa on the playorder just due to geography unless you guys think Oliverfa should go before Crousto due to Crousto's posted times for play.
            Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
            Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
            7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


            • #51
              Geesh... I didn't check out the strategy forums to make my civ choice... I just picked a civ that I like

              Sersiously, this game is for fun
              Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
              Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
              7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


              • #52
                I finnally came to a decision. Give me The Ottomans.
                I'll be Sultan Togas.


                p.s. What color scheme are they? If it conflicts with one of the current schemes, give me black.
                Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
                Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
                Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
                Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


                • #53
                  Orange. It should not conflict.

                  The only possible conflict is that the Arab yellowish color is similar, but not the same as, the Egyptian yellow. This would make telling them apart somewhat annoying. I may do something about it by adjusting the Arab color to slightly more beige/tan when I make the game.

                  I'll go make the game once I'm done posting here.

                  Then I've got to get out... I'll be gone much of the evening, btw.
                  Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                  Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                  7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                  • #54

                    I am currently starting this game.

                    I'll post a new thread for handling the actual game with the play-order and other information at the top.
                    Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                    Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                    7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                    • #55
                      the Chancellor's title isn't in bold
                      Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.

