Since it is the weekend, we may get the save back more quickly than normal - so post your thoughts and orders here.
Unit Orders:
Visigoth Slaves (oliverfa) - Building Road
Madrid Spearman - E (returning to Madrid)
TEG (Togas) - E
Magyar Warriors (pikesfan) - NE
Madrid Expedition (Crousto) - S
Pamplona Warrior - S
Bulgar Warrior - E
Togas - will we be taking volunteers for unit commanders of these two latest units? Or perhaps just whichever one is to be used for the goodie hut and exploration?
Unit Orders:
Visigoth Slaves (oliverfa) - Building Road
Madrid Spearman - E (returning to Madrid)
TEG (Togas) - E
Magyar Warriors (pikesfan) - NE
Madrid Expedition (Crousto) - S
Pamplona Warrior - S
Bulgar Warrior - E
Togas - will we be taking volunteers for unit commanders of these two latest units? Or perhaps just whichever one is to be used for the goodie hut and exploration?