Please use this thread to propose names for the land on which we live and the features around us.
I will officially select names for our world. I intend to give honor to the leaders of the expeditions who mapped out our world and name other landmarks from their role in our history.
My first act of naming will be to name the great mountain range that travels between Pamplona and Madrid .. moving east into the jungle and west into the unexplored desert. This range is called the Eneros Mountains ... or Las Montañas de Eneros. It is named after my father who climbed to the top of those mountains and proclaimed that Spain would settle the La Valle de los Torros.
I will officially select names for our world. I intend to give honor to the leaders of the expeditions who mapped out our world and name other landmarks from their role in our history.
My first act of naming will be to name the great mountain range that travels between Pamplona and Madrid .. moving east into the jungle and west into the unexplored desert. This range is called the Eneros Mountains ... or Las Montañas de Eneros. It is named after my father who climbed to the top of those mountains and proclaimed that Spain would settle the La Valle de los Torros.