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OOC: Team and Game Details

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  • OOC: Team and Game Details

    Here is an exhaustive complilation of game and team details. While it may seem like rehashing old news to many, it will serve to aid newcomers and I'm sure that some veterans will also appreciate a quick and easy reference list.

    All this information is available in old threads. The email addresses are provided in the format name^, where the '^' character, sometimes called a "hat" is replacing the '@' character, often called "at".

    Please let me know if there are any mistakes, and I'll correct them.

    Team Information

    Gathering Storm
    Civ: Egypt
    Name of Civ: Gathering Storm
    Noun: Gathering Storm
    Adjective: Storm
    Title of Leader: Chief
    Name of Leader: Stormbringer
    Colour: German Blue
    Traits: Industrious, Religious
    Starting Techs: Masonry, Ceremonial Burial
    Team Leader: notyoueither (Interim Leader: Sir Ralph)
    Email addresses:
    Team Forum:

    Neu Demogyptica
    Civ: Arabia
    Name of Civ: Neu Demogyptica
    Noun: Demogyptians
    Adjective: demogyptian
    Title of Leader: Sultan
    Name of Leader: Fritz Demogypt
    Colour: Egyptian Yellow
    Traits: Expansionist, Religious
    Starting Techs: Pottery, Ceremonial Burial
    Team Leader: Borc
    Email addresses: Borc (neudemogyptica^
    Team Forum:

    Glory of War
    Civ: China
    Name of Civ: Glory of War
    Noun: Warmongers - Plural
    Adjective: Glorious
    Title of Leader: Glorious
    Name of Leader: Warmonger
    Colour: Zulu Black
    Traits: Industrious, Militaristic
    Starting Techs: Masonry, Warrior Code
    Team Leader: donegeal
    Email addresses: GhengisFarb (GhengisFarb^, donegeal (donegael^
    Team Forum:

    Civ: Spain
    Name of Civ: España
    Noun: Spanish
    Adjective: Spanish
    Title of Leader: La Reina
    Name of the Leader : Isabella
    Colour: Spanish Teal
    Traits: Commercial, Religious
    Starting Techs: Alphabet, Ceremonial Burial
    Team Leader: Togas
    Email addresses: Togas (tom_ogas^, Arnelos (arnelos^, dejon (dejon^
    Team Forum:

    Vox Controli
    Civ: Persia
    Name of Civ: Vox Controli
    Noun: Voxians
    Adjective: Voxian
    Title of Leader: Controller
    Name of Leader: The One, or The One Voice
    Colour: Japanese Red
    Traits: Industrious, Scientific
    Starting Techs: Masonry, Bronze Working
    Team Leader: Jon Miller
    Email addresses: Dissident (Krusher3X^, Eli (shadowmn^
    Team Forum:

    Lux Invicta
    Civ: Ottomans
    Name of Civ: Lux Invicta
    Noun: Invicti
    Adjective: Invictus
    Title of Leader: Dominus
    Name of Leader: Illuminatus
    Colour: Roman Red
    Traits: Industrious, Scientific
    Starting Techs: Masonry, Bronze Working
    Team Leader: Trip
    Email addresses: Trip (Tripgot^, BigFurryMonster (BigFurryMonster^
    Team Forum:

    Civ: Carthage
    Name of Civ: Legoland
    Noun: Legomen
    Adjective: Lego
    Title of Leader: Wise
    Name of Leader: Legos
    Colour: Greek Green
    Traits: Commercial, Industrious
    Starting Techs: Alphabet, Masonry
    Team Leader: Jack_www
    Email addresses: vondrack (vondrack^
    Team Forum:

    Game Settings

    Map Stats
    World Size: Standard
    Difficulty Level: Regent
    Landmass (Random)
    Climate (Normal)
    Temperature (Temperate)
    Age (Random)
    Barbarians: (Random)
    Civ-Specific Abilities
    Preserve Random Seed
    Culture Flips

    Victory Conditions
    Domination Victory
    Space Race Victory
    Diplomatic Victory
    Conquest Victory
    Cultural Victory

    Turn Order
    1) Gathering Storm
    2) Neu Demogyptica
    3) Glory of War
    4) Roleplay
    5) Vox Controli
    6) Lux Invicta
    7) Legoland
    Last edited by Hot Mustard; January 3, 2003, 16:24.

  • #2
    Great work
    Also I'm currently making a summary table of the techs owned by the various civs (at least, what we know about it). It should be there within a few hours
    "Great artists have no country."
    -Alfred de Musset


    • #3
      Great job, dejon

      Crousto, your thread we'll be very useful too. Could you include a section to describe the current deals or offers with/to the various civs ?
      Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
      Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


      • #4
        Very instructive

        Will you continue to edit and update this for the benefit of the tribe? [edit:] What I mean is, could it be made to include rumored information and attitudes of our opponents... sort of an intelligence report on each?
        "The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country." -- Abraham Lincoln

        "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever, in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth." -- Albert Einstein, in regards to Mohandis Gandhi


        • #5
          I mentioned a civil service, but I think we already have one: you guys are all working on plans, summaries etc.
          Great work!

          Aidun Cian
          Civil service advisor
          "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise can not see all ends." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring.
          Term 9 and 10 Domestic Minister of the C3DG I., Term 8 Regional Governor of Old Persia in the C3DG and proud citizen of Apolyton. Royal Ambassador to Legoland in the C3 PTW DG, Foreign Affairs Minister and King of the United Kingdom in the MZO C3CDG and leader of the Monarchist Imperialist team. Moody Sir Aidun (The Impatient) of the Holy Templar Order in the C4BtSDG


          • #6
            Originally posted by ruby_maser
            Very instructive

            Will you continue to edit and update this for the benefit of the tribe? [edit:] What I mean is, could it be made to include rumored information and attitudes of our opponents... sort of an intelligence report on each?
            No. Think of this more as a starting point reference. Crousto has posted a table for tracking techs we suspect civs have, and mrmitchell was working on a picture showing civ relations (though it isn't posted yet).


            • #7
              Originally posted by Aidun
              I mentioned a civil service, but I think we already have one: you guys are all working on plans, summaries etc.
              Great work!

              Aidun Cian
              Civil service advisor
              Aidun - yes, we all just pitch in with whatever comes to mind, some very organized, some not, but it's all good. Don't concern yourself with possibly infringing on anyone's turf - contribute anything you want. If you know it falls under an official office, like the Slave Master, or a City Governor, then simply direct your questions or input to the appropriate person.

              I'm going to post a newcomer's thread so you can find out more about how we're organized and the history to date.


              • #8
                Dissident (Vox) said this in the public forum...

                random barbs ehh. hmm that explains some things
                Could Vox have some trouble with barbarians?
                "Great artists have no country."
                -Alfred de Musset


                • #9
                  NO, in fact i think they are observing the same as we are, no barbs at all;;;;
                  if this is the case, then we have got sedentary and lazy barbs who only sit at their caves drinking booze and watching football games...
                  anyway, I bet the maximum we may have got is roaming...
                  had we another level we would probably have already seen some of them at least...
                  Señor Nuclearis Winterius the III,
                  Diplomat with the Voxians, and also
                  Señor Pablo Winterius, missionary Bishop and Archbishop of the Roleplay team

