After 950 years of study, our wise men have completed their investigation of Bronze Working! It is a very sturdy metal, and can be used for a wide variety of purposes, most notably for weapons and armour. The Dejon family has been tracking the progress with this metal for many centuries, and is prepared to start training our young men to use bronze armour and bronze tipped spears. These inventions will make our recruits stalwart defenders.
Ever the curious folk, the wise men are not interested in taking some much deserved time off, and are now looking into new alternatives to study. What shall it be?
I think we should research Writing next. We are the only ones locally (ND, GoW, Lux) who can research it yet, and it puts us on the fast track to Map Making.
Masonry, Pottery, The Wheel & Warrior Code are all attainable through trade with Alphabet.
Mysticism & Iron Working should be attainable through trade for Writing in awhile, after the other civs complete them.
Ever the curious folk, the wise men are not interested in taking some much deserved time off, and are now looking into new alternatives to study. What shall it be?
I think we should research Writing next. We are the only ones locally (ND, GoW, Lux) who can research it yet, and it puts us on the fast track to Map Making.
Masonry, Pottery, The Wheel & Warrior Code are all attainable through trade with Alphabet.
Mysticism & Iron Working should be attainable through trade for Writing in awhile, after the other civs complete them.