Pikesfan, though it's a pretty through list, you miss two very, very, very important heads of state:
- The Jester, Sir Ricardo de Ascoyne de Bruhaha, who imitates the actions of everybody who enters the court, and pokes the visitors with the pig bladder he's got on his stick. He is very, very, very important, you know. I mean, after all, he gets to make fun of everybody without fear of retribution. Perhaps it's the most enviable job of all.
and, even more importantly...
- Emilio Mini, the dancing midget. This guy really does mean alot to the happiness of everybody, especially when he hides himself in a vase, and dances around, and sings the Ballad of Nasticus Narcissus and such other works of poetic brilliance. Senor Mini has a salary of nearly one hundred bones a day. Perhaps this one is also enviable. Why don't you sign up? Oh...I know...you're not a midget. Oh well.
Hernan de History Guy Calamari the Younger
Squid Baron
- The Jester, Sir Ricardo de Ascoyne de Bruhaha, who imitates the actions of everybody who enters the court, and pokes the visitors with the pig bladder he's got on his stick. He is very, very, very important, you know. I mean, after all, he gets to make fun of everybody without fear of retribution. Perhaps it's the most enviable job of all.
and, even more importantly...
- Emilio Mini, the dancing midget. This guy really does mean alot to the happiness of everybody, especially when he hides himself in a vase, and dances around, and sings the Ballad of Nasticus Narcissus and such other works of poetic brilliance. Senor Mini has a salary of nearly one hundred bones a day. Perhaps this one is also enviable. Why don't you sign up? Oh...I know...you're not a midget. Oh well.
Hernan de History Guy Calamari the Younger
Squid Baron