My lord Togas, most honoured leader of our nation,
Señor Tamali has done a great job planning the sites to build our future cities on. Señor Clemente has created a good policy for many years to come. But needn't such work to be done by civil servants in service of thy advisors. It might be good for our nation to have a specialized civil service that can provide information and policies that can be discussed and eventually altered by thy advisors. Having many specialized people working to make policies can give us an advantage over the other nations who certainly don't have thought out this.
I'd like to learn about thy view on this.
Have a nice day my lord.
(deep bow)
Aidun Cian
Señor Tamali has done a great job planning the sites to build our future cities on. Señor Clemente has created a good policy for many years to come. But needn't such work to be done by civil servants in service of thy advisors. It might be good for our nation to have a specialized civil service that can provide information and policies that can be discussed and eventually altered by thy advisors. Having many specialized people working to make policies can give us an advantage over the other nations who certainly don't have thought out this.
I'd like to learn about thy view on this.
Have a nice day my lord.
(deep bow)
Aidun Cian