We have received two messages from Vox Controli, or rather two letters well structured, and even sophisticated, compared with the average MP circulating in the diplomatic area.
Except the directions not frankly clear about their location, directions recalled in the second letter without any further information, the main part of those letters are the readings of the One Book. These texts are carefully worded, and have not been improvised when writing the letters. This One Book can be just a folkloric item, opened for fun in our relation.
But it can also be a hidden message. Take the first verse of Controllians 6 :
?In the beginning, there were many voices. And it was chaos. And it was not good.?
Now, replace many by seven.
And the One Commandment says :?Thou shall speak with One Voice?.
And the Fifth verse : ?there was One Voice, and One Voice Only. And there was order. And it was good.
One can understand that Vox Controli has a mission to unite the seven civs, and that they found appropriate to let us know it.
In the second letter, we learn that The Voice begat Willy, Tim and Thadeus. The warriors are begotten by The Voice; this is the highest status in any primitive civ. And when they go into the wilderness (where is the chaos), the shadow recedes, and the light shone upon the land. With this interpretation we can understand why BetaHound get a tringle everytime he reads it: this evocates victories of the sons of The Voice. And they wanted to tell us.
So, they can be peaceful roleplayer, or tortuous fanatics. I would bet on the second option.
Except the directions not frankly clear about their location, directions recalled in the second letter without any further information, the main part of those letters are the readings of the One Book. These texts are carefully worded, and have not been improvised when writing the letters. This One Book can be just a folkloric item, opened for fun in our relation.
But it can also be a hidden message. Take the first verse of Controllians 6 :
?In the beginning, there were many voices. And it was chaos. And it was not good.?
Now, replace many by seven.
And the One Commandment says :?Thou shall speak with One Voice?.
And the Fifth verse : ?there was One Voice, and One Voice Only. And there was order. And it was good.
One can understand that Vox Controli has a mission to unite the seven civs, and that they found appropriate to let us know it.
In the second letter, we learn that The Voice begat Willy, Tim and Thadeus. The warriors are begotten by The Voice; this is the highest status in any primitive civ. And when they go into the wilderness (where is the chaos), the shadow recedes, and the light shone upon the land. With this interpretation we can understand why BetaHound get a tringle everytime he reads it: this evocates victories of the sons of The Voice. And they wanted to tell us.
So, they can be peaceful roleplayer, or tortuous fanatics. I would bet on the second option.