we are still able to edit everyone else's posts; though, I hope no one is actively doing this. But I was thinking... why not use this to our advantage and have a thread designed with a single post (started by our most-wise Lord Togas) that can be added to by everyone.
I would trust no one would edit out information unless it was proven to no longer be valid, but this would allow us to have clarity without loosing information is a landslide of posts.
We could have it's single post divided into sections for each of our opposing teams. As we aquire information, it could be added briefly to the list under the appropriate section and even subdividing it further into sections noting technology they are thought to have, contacts thought to have, etc. etc.
Its only an idea, but I think it would be useful have relevant facts and rumors be cataloged for easy access and clarity.
I would trust no one would edit out information unless it was proven to no longer be valid, but this would allow us to have clarity without loosing information is a landslide of posts.
We could have it's single post divided into sections for each of our opposing teams. As we aquire information, it could be added briefly to the list under the appropriate section and even subdividing it further into sections noting technology they are thought to have, contacts thought to have, etc. etc.
Its only an idea, but I think it would be useful have relevant facts and rumors be cataloged for easy access and clarity.