* Dijon, second son of Señor Dejon, speaks. He is obviously wrought with grief, but speaks very stoically...
My father is dead.
* Gasps from the crowd
As many of you know, my father had become quite fond of taking hunting trips into the bountiful woods to the south of the city. Two days ago, he left for his last hunting trip. When he did not return after his usual one day absence, his honour guards from the Training Ground went looking for him.
They found him deep in the forest. His body was slightly mauled, but intact. The death wound was a gaping slash across his torso, from shoulder to hip. The tracker that found my father had no problem identifying his foe...
* Pauses
...for the body of my father, Señor Dejon, was laying only a few feet from another corpse - a Great Iberian Bear!
* Gasps, Cries from the crowd
When they rolled the great beast over, they saw something embedded his neck - the stone from my father's axe! The handle must have snapped off in the beast's death throes, while it was clawing at the weapon or such - but it could not dislodge the blade from a blow hefted by the mighty Chief Warrior, Señor Dejon!
* Dijon looks triumphant, then sullen
We'll miss you, father.
I have sent a messenger out to my older brother, Poupon, who is escorting our explorers on the far mountains. Until he returns, I will take command of the city garrison, if Lord Togas wishes it.
My younger brothers and I have discussed the passing of our dear father at length. Although we await Poupon's agreement in the matter, we are sure he will concur with us. Although our family history is not as long as some, and although we came from humble beginnings not too long ago, we have decided we will each take a second name, a family name, like some of our noble citizens.
My father was a master craftsman and weapon maker to his tribe and then all of España.
My father helped found and build this wonderous city of ours.
My father built the Master Weapon Shop, the first of its kind, in the Marketplace of Madrid.
My father was appointed Chief Warrior by our Supreme and Magnificent Leader, Lord Togas.
My father has trained many of your sons so that España may explore and expand in this land.
My father, Señor Dejon, slayed the mightiest of beasts - a Great Iberian Bear!
Henceforth, I and my brothers are proud to proclaim that our family name is Dejon!
Let it be known that the Family Dejon will always serve and protect España. From now on, there will always be a Señor Dejon. For now, it will be my older brother, Señor Poupon Dejon.
I must go now to confer with the High Priest, to see about preparations to honour our father.
My father is dead.

* Gasps from the crowd
As many of you know, my father had become quite fond of taking hunting trips into the bountiful woods to the south of the city. Two days ago, he left for his last hunting trip. When he did not return after his usual one day absence, his honour guards from the Training Ground went looking for him.
They found him deep in the forest. His body was slightly mauled, but intact. The death wound was a gaping slash across his torso, from shoulder to hip. The tracker that found my father had no problem identifying his foe...
* Pauses
...for the body of my father, Señor Dejon, was laying only a few feet from another corpse - a Great Iberian Bear!

* Gasps, Cries from the crowd
When they rolled the great beast over, they saw something embedded his neck - the stone from my father's axe! The handle must have snapped off in the beast's death throes, while it was clawing at the weapon or such - but it could not dislodge the blade from a blow hefted by the mighty Chief Warrior, Señor Dejon!

* Dijon looks triumphant, then sullen
We'll miss you, father.
I have sent a messenger out to my older brother, Poupon, who is escorting our explorers on the far mountains. Until he returns, I will take command of the city garrison, if Lord Togas wishes it.
My younger brothers and I have discussed the passing of our dear father at length. Although we await Poupon's agreement in the matter, we are sure he will concur with us. Although our family history is not as long as some, and although we came from humble beginnings not too long ago, we have decided we will each take a second name, a family name, like some of our noble citizens.
My father was a master craftsman and weapon maker to his tribe and then all of España.
My father helped found and build this wonderous city of ours.
My father built the Master Weapon Shop, the first of its kind, in the Marketplace of Madrid.
My father was appointed Chief Warrior by our Supreme and Magnificent Leader, Lord Togas.
My father has trained many of your sons so that España may explore and expand in this land.
My father, Señor Dejon, slayed the mightiest of beasts - a Great Iberian Bear!
Henceforth, I and my brothers are proud to proclaim that our family name is Dejon!
Let it be known that the Family Dejon will always serve and protect España. From now on, there will always be a Señor Dejon. For now, it will be my older brother, Señor Poupon Dejon.
I must go now to confer with the High Priest, to see about preparations to honour our father.
