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The Training Ground

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  • The Training Ground

    I, the Chief Warrior of Spain, do hereby claim this land as my Training Ground.

    All those who would offer themselves to the strength of Spain will be trained here.

  • #2
    Welcome to the Training Ground

    Welcome to the Training Ground, recruits.

    You will train long and hard.
    You will endure hardship and pain.
    You will offer not only your courage, your strength, your stamina and you cunning...
    You will also offer your blood as well..

    For the glory of our Supreme Leader, Lord Togas!
    For the glory of the Spanish military!
    And For the glory of all España!

    Now then. First off, I have heard some of you already gripe about the hike to here from the city proper. I will say this only once - any who complain about this, or for that matter any order of mine, will be punished most severly, and likely end up serving as the Waste Officer of the supply lines - do I make myself clear?

    Henceforce, all recruits coming to a scheduled training session must RUN HERE, fully armed, from the city proper. The reasons for this are as follows: you will become fit, and fleet of foot doing so; you will learn to navigate the city and the surrounding terrain quickly; you will follow orders, even when commanders are not present; and you will impress the populace of Madrid with the dedication and appearance of the Spanish military forces commanded with protecting them.

    Do not become accustomed to me explaining my reasoning for making orders. I do so today because I want you to see that your Chief Warrior is not only strong, but also smart, in the ways of battle and of preparing for it.

    Each new recruit will start training with ordinary staffs, so that you do not hurt one another. After showing basic proficiency, you will be given a stone axe to begin formal training with.

    My son here, Poupon, will be assisting me with all your training. In my absence, he will carry out my orders. If you best Poupon in battle, and you will haved earned a spot among my officers.

    That is all for now, Let us begin.


    • #3
      hey, hold one moment please.

      This is lovers field. You want to use lovers field!

      Where will all the go?

      What will we do when we want to ?

      I understand that having a good training ground is necessary, but which of these two little guys were you listining to when you decided to use Lovers Field?

      if I have to, I will grovel at lord Togas' feet to not let you take over the field of love for your field of blood.

      Please reconsider

      If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


      • #4
        Señor GodKing, what are you doing here? Who is that maiden? What are you talking about?


        • #5
          Senor GodKing,

          May I suggest a more coastal location for a lovers' hideaway. It is said that the beaches can be quite romantic indeed.
          Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
          Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
          7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


          • #6
            Originally posted by Arnelos
            May I suggest a more coastal location for a lovers' hideaway. It is said that the beaches can be quite romantic indeed.
            Having fed on the hallucinogenic cacti once to often, I have wandered to the sea on several occassion only to find the air permeated with the romantic smell of methane downwind from the cow pastures

            One day, we shall discover the secret of University, and Dios ayadanos! when this city becomes a college town. It will be a savage mix of cow-tipping and midnight rendevouses when that day comes
            "The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country." -- Abraham Lincoln

            "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever, in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth." -- Albert Einstein, in regards to Mohandis Gandhi


            • #7
              This is ridiculous! I will not have my warriors distracted with this talk of romantic destinations.

              I have rightfully claimed this land, unless you can show me a Chief of Lovers claim that says otherwise.

              If you're looking for a secluded place - why not in the caves our father's left, carved into yonder hills? There's probably a few stray fur rugs left even.

              Now be off with you all. I have work to do.

              * Señor dejon marches away to his trainees

              What are you all looking at - get back to your exercises!


              • #8
                Cheif Dejon,

                Please senor, do not bring down the wrath of the goddess Aphrodite, ruler of all lovers and lovemaking places. She has blessed this lovers lane, and I myself have taken the bar wench Senorita Beatriz S. Muybonita, there several times, as we drank abundantly and danced to the music of the night with only Artemis, the goddess of the moon in view.

                If only you could know the power of Aphrodite, then you would know that even the War god, Ares, bows to her presence and would gladly bless your move of the training grounds from Lovers Field.


                your humble servant,

                Senor jdjdjd
                Note: the Law Offices of jdjdjd are temporarily closed.
                "Next time I say something like 'lets go to Bolivia', lets go to Bolivia"


                • #9
                  Help save lovers field.

                  Where else will everybody go to get some?
                  If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by GodKing
                    Where else will everybody go to get some?
                    Somewhere where there aren't axes and spears being flung about, I expect.

                    Anybody can have their trysts pretty much anywhere, but warriors can only be trained where I am, and I am here, in the Training Ground.

                    Enough of this rutting nonsense - begone!


                    • #11
                      Gentlemen, why quarrel? Can the ground not be consecrated to both Love and War? Perhaps the training of warriors and the using of the axe can place during the day and the training of lovers and the using of the ummm can take place during the night. I ask you, what kind of war can take place at night? And what kind of love can take place during the day? Are not night war and day love offensive to the Spirits?

                      And perhaps it is best for keeping good order in the city that the not-quite-maidens congregate around the young men who are most likely to use their services so that the rest of us can live our lives in peace and quiet and respectability.

                      However, for those of you who have young maiden daughters and fear that they will make their way to the Place of Love, wherever that is going to be, my aunt Esmeralda the Respectable is available to be Duenna to any young ladies and to teach them the proper ways of behaviour, for a small fee of course.


                      • #12
                        I ask you, what kind of war can take place at night?
                        It's quite easy actually. Your warriors, who have been trained to fight at night, sneak up on those of the enmy, who have not, and slit all their throats in their sleep. A much better way to fight than having to face them where thye have an actual chance to kill us.

                        Are not night war and day love offensive to the Spirits?
                        Not at all. The spirits only object to public indecency, not to love during the day.


                        What is this talk I hear of 'Aphrodite', 'Artemis', and 'Ares'? Heresy! There are no such gods! You will renounce this blashpemy at once, or we will put you on trial!


                        • #13
                          Lover's field?

                          These Spanish youth are nothing like children in my days. When I was a young farmer, years before we built Madrid, my father found a suitable daughter from a nearby tribe that held a great deal of land and arranged for our marriage. We were never "lovers" until after our wedding, and we certainly didn't go into a field at night to act as such.

                          This field is hereby given to Dejon and his pupils. It shall be used to train warriors, not lovers.

                          This is clearly the influence of the Visigoths' pagan ways.
                          We Spanish are virtuous and noble, and we do not fornicate in a field! We must return more decent ways.

                          From hereforth if you wish to take one of your many wives or mistresses or lovers or barmaids out to fornicate, you will do so on the beach along the peninsula to the south of the city. The sand is far softer and the sound of the river will drown out the your ... behavior.

                          Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
                          Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
                          Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
                          Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Togas
                            Lover's field?

                            These Spanish youth are nothing like children in my days. When I was a young farmer, years before we built Madrid, my father found a suitable daughter from a nearby tribe that held a great deal of land and arranged for our marriage. We were never "lovers" until after our wedding, and we certainly didn't go into a field at night to act as such.

                            This field is hereby given to Dejon and his pupils. It shall be used to train warriors, not lovers.

                            This is clearly the influence of the Visigoths' pagan ways.
                            We Spanish are virtuous and noble, and we do not fornicate in a field! We must return more decent ways.

                            From hereforth if you wish to take one of your many wives or mistresses or lovers or barmaids out to fornicate, you will do so on the beach along the peninsula to the south of the city. The sand is far softer and the sound of the river will drown out the your ... behavior.


                            Very nice
                            Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                            Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                            7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                            • #15
                              Thank you, Lord Togas. I am glad you happened by. If they had kept pestering I might have lost my temper. Why, as it was, I had to send my son Poupon to the far end of the field - he hasn't the restraint that I have. I suppose I should have brought him into the family shop earlier, to learn to deal with people, as I have with all my other sons.

                              Did you know, your grace, that I have four sons? No, wait - five. I'm always forgetting my youngest, Fletcher. He is a bit "flighty", that one. He does have the family crafting knack, but not the discipline. He and I were working on some innovative new ideas for ranged weapons, but I haven't seen him for weeks. Out hunting birds, his mother says.

                              Dijon, at the shop, is getting along well, and is quite excited with the wise men's tinkering with the bronze metal - he thinks it may have numerous military uses.

                              Yes, my family has certainly been blessed with all that is going on. Just last week Poupon's wife, had their first boy. That one is fearless - they say he hasn't cried at all since his first suckling. And his eyes! They are piercing! Could be a great warrior for the making in that one, for sure.

                              Anyways, I had better let you go - thank you again for visiting. Oh, say - have you heard that there is an abundance of game in the forests to the south? What say you to a hunting trip next moon?

