O wise High Priest GeneralTacticus, I have great need of your assistance. I am pursued by a vexatious spirit. Every time I walk in the marketplace to do my daily business, it asks me, “Do you want to see your old adolescent friends?” I want no truck with evil spirits so I say No! and wave my hands and the spirit goes away, but not for long. It soon comes back and says, “But you can find all your old friends here! Did you graduate in 4005 BC, 4015 BC or 4025 BC?” I don’t know what it’s talking about, so I know it must be an evil spirit that wants to tempt me and confuse me.
I greatly fear that in a moment of weakness I will say Yes and be taken away to I don’t know where.
Do you have something I could wear to repel this evil spirit? Or something that would get the spirit to stay away from me?
I greatly fear that in a moment of weakness I will say Yes and be taken away to I don’t know where.
