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Spamish Enterprises

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  • Spamish Enterprises

    [OOC]Well, I'm Ancient-izing this [/OOC]

    This will be the place for all of the Mitchell family's harebrained ideas.
    Last edited by mrmitchell; December 30, 2002, 17:48.
    meet the new boss, same as the old boss

  • #2
    La Ropa

    [OOC]This was much more difficult than the Spam Brand to Ancient-ize.... [/OOC]

    The Mitchell family has an established interest in selling any number of fine clothing products (unoficcialy known as "La Ropa clothing",) so we'll barter you or sell you for an agreed number of bones.

    [OOC] As said in the Spambrand edit, mass-producing and selling clothes for set prices & catalogues & all sounded a little more modernized than Ancient Age would allow. Although it's purely up to History Guy (or in worst case Grand Despot Togas,) I'd suggest that he Ancient-ize his businesses as well, just as a suggestion. )[/OOC]

    We specialize in garments for the entire body, but have recently perfected something we like to call "sandals", which you slip on your feet to prevent them from being cut & blistered by the rocky ground.

    Last edited by mrmitchell; December 30, 2002, 17:42.
    meet the new boss, same as the old boss


    • #3
      the Spam Brand Squid Shop


      The Spam Brand Squid Shop is being dissolved, but not in the conventional sense that would make Señor Calamari jump for joy. Now, the name "Spam Brand" is free for anyone to use (ooc: if they want to be associated with Spam :P /ooc) but the Mitchell clan still has an established interest in, Squid.

      We'll sell ya Squid for either a straight barter or an agreed upon price of bones, as mass-manufacturing the Squid and selling them thru a store outlet seems a little too advanced for Ancient Age.
      Last edited by mrmitchell; December 30, 2002, 17:34.
      meet the new boss, same as the old boss


      • #4
        (reserved for any new businesses... )
        meet the new boss, same as the old boss


        • #5

          First order! But I'll pay for the customizing - it will take some work.


          • #6
            Okay, Senor Dejon, you just want an outfit? Okay--I'll give you free customizing to show my work. Let's see...tall, fit, and that correct?
            meet the new boss, same as the old boss


            • #7
              Originally posted by mrmitchell
              Okay, Senor Dejon, you just want an outfit? Okay--I'll give you free customizing to show my work. Let's see...tall, fit, and that correct?

              Yup. I'll order a couple of them towel things too - good for wiping the sweat off at work.


              • #8
                Okay, since your outfit is free, and the towels are 2 for 1 bone, that will be one bone. We've got the towels in stock but we'll need to custom make the outfit-ready by sundown tomorrow, or beforehand. We'll send Thug to let you know
                meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                • #9
                  Senor Mitchell, I'd like to see you open a booth for La Ropa in the Marketplace, then I can make my order.
                  Empire growing,
                  Pleasures flowing,
                  Fortune smiles and so should you.


                  • #10
                    Now, Senor Calamari, La Ropa and Spam Brand share the old Spam Brand booth. Saves money

                    Of course, you can always buy here too
                    meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                    • #11
                      Righty-O. Purchases will be made in the Marketplace, as I don't trust the mail service here yet.
                      Empire growing,
                      Pleasures flowing,
                      Fortune smiles and so should you.


                      • #12

                        Spamish Ent. has been Ancientized, please order all of your purchases in the ancient ways now. Thank you
                        meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                        • #13
                          There the little critter is!

                          Hello, there, Spamish. I have seen you in donkey's years. What goes on? The Spam Brand seafood I haven't seen on the market? We were talking over a deal, and then you vanished! Hoped...ummm...I mean thought that the Kraken might have gotten you and started nibbling!

                          Hernan de History Guy Calamari the Younger
                          Squid Baron
                          Empire growing,
                          Pleasures flowing,
                          Fortune smiles and so should you.


                          • #14
                            *Grrr, there goes the monopoly, ops I mean*
                            Why, it is so good to see you again old mitchel!
                            Tought some disgrace might had happened to you!
                            Back selling squids eh? *the guard should have arrested him for selling this... grrr*
                            good to see more people working with squids my friend!
                            I´m taking care of some business right now, so if you don´t mind, I´m leaving now ok? *or you have some problem with that you, you.... grrrrrr*
                            see ya later friend!*hope you fall of a hill ! grrr*
                            Señor Nuclearis Winterius the III,
                            Diplomat with the Voxians, and also
                            Señor Pablo Winterius, missionary Bishop and Archbishop of the Roleplay team


                            • #15
                              We used to make Squid by catching them with nets, beating them to a squishy tenderness, dipping them in our secret sauce, and then cooking them in one big fire.

                              Now, we make Squid by catching them with our hands, tenderiziing them properly, placing a blend of spices on them, and cooking them individually.

                              This, of course, will tremendously drop our output but hopefully they will taste better.

                              As for myself, Senors Calamari and Winterius, I'm still alive and kicking. (Not literally. Hey! Get those bodygaurds away! I said not literally!)

                              Now, is someone going to barter me for this fine Squid that I have here?

                              And oh yeah, Senor Calamari, the Spam Brand Squid--you can use the name if you want to, but it's really not recommended, honestly. As far as buying it, keep your dirty bones. I don't need them.

                              OOC: Although it's purely up to his discretion (or Togas's ) I'd recommend Señor Calamari Ancient-ize his business too. Just a suggestion [/OOC]
                              meet the new boss, same as the old boss

