In regard of roleplay purposes, I'm wondering if it'd be right to name our first city 'Madrid'. In fact, this city was unknown at the dawn of the Spanish civ. The first mention of Madrid in a book was made about 1000 AD. The city was early named 'Majrit' (from the arab language), and after Madrid. This city becomes the Spanish capital under Phillipe IIth, at 1561 AD.
I suggest 'Gadir' (currently Cadiz) as our first city, In fact, Gadir was the true known first city of Spain, founded by the phoenitians.
Other following cities were Malaca (Malaga), Hispalis (Sevilla), Abdera (Adra),... About 550 BC, the Greeks founded Emporion (Ampurias), Rhode (Rosas), Dianion (Denia), Sagonte (Sagunto),...
Other cities were founded by the Celts or by the Romans.
It would be fine if we try to respect the historical developement of our civilization, and adapt the names of our cities accordingly.
Following this idea, Madrid could become our capital (if needed, by renaming Gadir or another city) at the end of the medieval era, after the building of our first Conquistador.
Any thoughts ?
PS. I'm very worried with my bad English. I hope you can live with it !!
In regard of roleplay purposes, I'm wondering if it'd be right to name our first city 'Madrid'. In fact, this city was unknown at the dawn of the Spanish civ. The first mention of Madrid in a book was made about 1000 AD. The city was early named 'Majrit' (from the arab language), and after Madrid. This city becomes the Spanish capital under Phillipe IIth, at 1561 AD.
I suggest 'Gadir' (currently Cadiz) as our first city, In fact, Gadir was the true known first city of Spain, founded by the phoenitians.
Other following cities were Malaca (Malaga), Hispalis (Sevilla), Abdera (Adra),... About 550 BC, the Greeks founded Emporion (Ampurias), Rhode (Rosas), Dianion (Denia), Sagonte (Sagunto),...
Other cities were founded by the Celts or by the Romans.
It would be fine if we try to respect the historical developement of our civilization, and adapt the names of our cities accordingly.
Following this idea, Madrid could become our capital (if needed, by renaming Gadir or another city) at the end of the medieval era, after the building of our first Conquistador.
Any thoughts ?
PS. I'm very worried with my bad English. I hope you can live with it !!