If we are not to have any AI players in this game, then I forsee a possible technological Vacume forming.
With the strategy that has gotten the C3DG to where it is today, if it is followed by most of the teams, then it will take forever to get out of the first age. I have no idea what the other civs are planning for their research, but if the people who are more for buying (or taking through force) their way up the technology ladder are true to form, then their might be problems in the coming months.
As with military strategy, we need to work out what we need to have for our research goals and how we want to work on the tech tree.
If Legoland does work at it, they will most likely be the tech leader. We will have the culture for happiness and larger productive cities. THe more milataristic Civs will want to stay in Despotic & Monarchial states for longer periods of time, possibly bypassing Rep/Dem all together.
I forsee possible short wars (tech grabs) that will be for some quick technological advancement, if not for other prizes.
With the strategy that has gotten the C3DG to where it is today, if it is followed by most of the teams, then it will take forever to get out of the first age. I have no idea what the other civs are planning for their research, but if the people who are more for buying (or taking through force) their way up the technology ladder are true to form, then their might be problems in the coming months.
As with military strategy, we need to work out what we need to have for our research goals and how we want to work on the tech tree.
If Legoland does work at it, they will most likely be the tech leader. We will have the culture for happiness and larger productive cities. THe more milataristic Civs will want to stay in Despotic & Monarchial states for longer periods of time, possibly bypassing Rep/Dem all together.
I forsee possible short wars (tech grabs) that will be for some quick technological advancement, if not for other prizes.