Originally posted by Arnelos
1. Keep Gathering Storm and Glory of War Isolated From Each Other
I can't possibly over-emphasize how important this goal is to the geopolitical makeup of the game. An alliance or even a casual partnership between Gathering Storm and the Glory of War would be a disaster and could end up swallowing an entire team (any of the other three of us) pretty quickly without help from the others. If that unforunate event takes place, we would have to use every means at our disposal to drive a wedge between these two victors and hope they follow the old rule that "now alliance survives victory"
Ideally, however, we will be able to drive a wedge between them early on. I don't care if its subterfuge (lying to them - "hey, those guys are out to get you") or anything else it takes. This is priority #1. An alliance between Glory of War and Lux Invicta would be bad, but ultimately Lux Invicta knows that they can't trust Glory of War and will try to dump them - this is easier to drive a wedge in between. The true danger is an alliance between Gathering Storm and Glory of War.
I think the key item of weakness in their potential relationship that can be exploited and MUST be exploited early is the following:
Gathering Storm currently has the luxury of Glory of War being "the big bad guys" that everyone is really worried about. Gathering Storm probably is chuckling to themselves that THEY are the real threat and they could ride along on a sentiment to take out Glory of War and then stab someone in the back.
This is precisely what we can exploit, but it will have to be done early. We must convince the Gathering Storm team that we think we can work with THEM, but that we agree with everyone else that the Glory of War team is likely irreconcilable. While they're cackling to themselves about how this keeps them from being the isolated team (and there IS a risk in that!), it will also hopefully keep them from going to Glory of War to create an alliance.
We can always sign a Secret Defensive Alliance with Team Lux Invicta that says that if Gathering Storm attacks either of us, the other will attack Gathering Storm (and the other way around if Lux Invicta turns out to be more warlike than I suspect). In this manner, we can keep Gathering Storm and Glory of War apart and exploit the animosity between Gathering Storm and Lux Invicta to keep ourselves from being mortally stabbed in the back.
1. Keep Gathering Storm and Glory of War Isolated From Each Other
I can't possibly over-emphasize how important this goal is to the geopolitical makeup of the game. An alliance or even a casual partnership between Gathering Storm and the Glory of War would be a disaster and could end up swallowing an entire team (any of the other three of us) pretty quickly without help from the others. If that unforunate event takes place, we would have to use every means at our disposal to drive a wedge between these two victors and hope they follow the old rule that "now alliance survives victory"
Ideally, however, we will be able to drive a wedge between them early on. I don't care if its subterfuge (lying to them - "hey, those guys are out to get you") or anything else it takes. This is priority #1. An alliance between Glory of War and Lux Invicta would be bad, but ultimately Lux Invicta knows that they can't trust Glory of War and will try to dump them - this is easier to drive a wedge in between. The true danger is an alliance between Gathering Storm and Glory of War.
I think the key item of weakness in their potential relationship that can be exploited and MUST be exploited early is the following:
Gathering Storm currently has the luxury of Glory of War being "the big bad guys" that everyone is really worried about. Gathering Storm probably is chuckling to themselves that THEY are the real threat and they could ride along on a sentiment to take out Glory of War and then stab someone in the back.
This is precisely what we can exploit, but it will have to be done early. We must convince the Gathering Storm team that we think we can work with THEM, but that we agree with everyone else that the Glory of War team is likely irreconcilable. While they're cackling to themselves about how this keeps them from being the isolated team (and there IS a risk in that!), it will also hopefully keep them from going to Glory of War to create an alliance.
We can always sign a Secret Defensive Alliance with Team Lux Invicta that says that if Gathering Storm attacks either of us, the other will attack Gathering Storm (and the other way around if Lux Invicta turns out to be more warlike than I suspect). In this manner, we can keep Gathering Storm and Glory of War apart and exploit the animosity between Gathering Storm and Lux Invicta to keep ourselves from being mortally stabbed in the back.
Glory of War seems to be the team most annoyed at Gathering Storm's effort to hire highly qualified single-player gamers to be on their team.

May I humbly suggest that we think of ways to keep the Glory of War annoyance at the Gathering Storm team alive

The Glory of War team, which styles itself as the true "WAR" team, is feeling a little unsure of itself a the moment... this is something we definately want to exploit...........
