I'm going to compose a "Dear GoW: We respectfully request that you stuff your 'offer' where the sun doesn't shine" post for the public forum as a mirror image of Panzer32's declaration of war on RP Team post.
Members of this team are encouraged to post in this thread both suggestions for that as well as their own personal contributions. Contributions to provide answer to H_E's middle finger contribution or GhengisFarb's Top 10 reasons to invade Spain (you know, that type of thing) are welcome.
Anyone that wants to compose something amusing to be added is also welcome.
Everything can be posted in this thread and will then be compiled for a public posting, revealing the fact that Glory of War is growing desperate and is too afraid of Spain to fight them, but wants Spain to help them against Gathering Storm.
As for the main post, I think being overly polite while telling them to 'stuff it' is just about the right touch. I'll be more than happy to compose that one.
So who's in?
Members of this team are encouraged to post in this thread both suggestions for that as well as their own personal contributions. Contributions to provide answer to H_E's middle finger contribution or GhengisFarb's Top 10 reasons to invade Spain (you know, that type of thing) are welcome.
Anyone that wants to compose something amusing to be added is also welcome.
Everything can be posted in this thread and will then be compiled for a public posting, revealing the fact that Glory of War is growing desperate and is too afraid of Spain to fight them, but wants Spain to help them against Gathering Storm.
As for the main post, I think being overly polite while telling them to 'stuff it' is just about the right touch. I'll be more than happy to compose that one.
So who's in?