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House of Lords: Spanish-GS Treaty of Permanent Partnership

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  • House of Lords: Spanish-GS Treaty of Permanent Partnership


    We have had some time now to discuss the treaty as it has been negotiated between Spain and the Gathering Storm.

    The treaty's provisions have now been finalized and the Gathering Storm is already in the process of ratifying the treaty on their end.

    On our end, the treaty must pass the House of Lords and be signed by King Togas to ratified.

    Here is where I am asking the Lords of Spain to vote on this most critical of issues for the future of the Spanish people.

    The Treaty:

    Treaty of Permanent Partnership Between the Gathering Storm and Spain


    The purpose of this treaty is to affirm the creation of a permanent partnership between the nations of the Gathering Storm and Spain, the purpose of which is to ensure the security and prosperity of both nations for all time to come. The member nations shall seek to cooperate with one another in the future to ensure joint success in the competition of the nations through a victory on the part of the Gathering Storm and prosperity for Spain.

    Article I - Non-Aggression

    1. Neither nation shall ever attack the other unless it is mutually agreed to by both partners for the purpose of exchanging artillery units.

    2. Neither nation shall ever declare war upon the other unless it is mutually agreed to by both partners for the purpose of exchanging artillery units.

    Article II - Sharing of Luxuries

    1. The partner nations shall share all available luxuries with one another unless Clause 2 or 3 is activated.

    2. By a joint decision of the two nations, they may decide to forgo one of their nations having a luxury in order to sell it to a foreign power.

    3. If only one source of a luxury should exist between the partner nations, the nation of the Gathering Storm shall decide what nation that luxury shall go to.

    Article III - Partnership in Technological Research

    1. The partner nations shall share all technologies in their possession with the other unless Clause 2 is activated.

    2. By a joint decision of the partner nations, they may decide to forgo sharing a given technology with one or the other nation.

    3. Cooperative research goals shall be discussed between the partners and if any conflicts exist, they shall be resolved by a decision by the nation of the Gathering Storm.

    4. By a joint decision of the partners, the nation of Spain may sell a technology to a foreign power.

    Article IV - Wonders of the World

    1. The partners shall inform each other of what wonders of the world they are planning to construct.

    2. If any conflict exists in plans by the partners to construct wonders of the world, the nation of the Gathering Storm may make a decision on what wonders it will construct that the nation of Spain will not.

    Article V - Mutual Protection and Military Alliance

    1. If any nation should declare war upon either partner, the other partner is obligated to declare war upon the declaring power and come to the defense of its partner.

    2. The timing of such a declaration and of the arrival of military aid as in Clause 1 shall be discussed between the partners and ultimately decided by the nation of the Gathering Storm.

    3. If the nation of the Gathering Storm decides to declare war upon a foreign power, the nation of Spain shall do so as well if this is requested by the nation of the Gathering Storm.

    4. If the partners jointly agree, the nation of Spain may unilaterally declare war upon a foreign power that has not invaded its territory.

    5. The partners shall cooperate in all military matters during any war by sharing information about troop positions, intelligence about the enemy, and plans.

    6. For any territory conquered from a foreign power in war, the nation of the Gathering Storm shall decide to which partner the territory shall eventually be awarded and when it shall.

    Article VI - Exchange of Territory

    1. Parts of Spain, as jointly decided by the partners, shall be transferred from Spain to the Gathering Storm during the war to aid in the defense of allied lands on the continent of Bob. At the war's end, all such lands ceded to the Gathering Storm shall be returned to Spain with the exception of the port city of Bilbao.

    2. Spain shall keep, as its official possessions, all lands historically within the boudaries of Spain and all lands to the south of current Spanish territory upon the continent of Bob with the exception of Bilbao and another Gathering Storm port to the northeast of Madrid.

    3. When the lands south of the central Bobian mountains in Neu Demogyptica are conquered by the alliance, the cities of Marlowa, Arneblanca, Neu Theben, Trippolis, Mavdad, their environs and lands south of them will be granted to Spain.

    4. All land on the continent of Bob not reserved to Spain in Clauses 1 through 3 shall be given to the Gathering Storm upon its conquest by the alliance.

    5. Neither partner shall ever accept the cultural conversion of a city belonging to the other partner. Should any cultural conversion of a city take place from one partner to the other anyhow, the city in question shall be immediately returned to its original owner.

    6. The partners may exchange additional territory by mutual agreement at any point in the future and such agreements may include the exchanging of lands with nations not a party to this partnership at the mutual agreement of both partners.

    ARTICLE VII - Additional Agreements

    1. By a joint decision of the partners, the nation of Spain may sign a non-aggression agreement with a foreign power.

    2. By a joint decision of the partners, the nation of Spain may sign a mutual-protection agreement with a foreign power.

    3. Future agreements between the partners and with foreign powers may be created and both partners pledge to do their utmost to find mutually beneficial solutions for the partners in all such cases, but ultimately the nation of the Gathering Storm has the right to veto potential agreements by Spain with foreign powers and thus carries an obligation to honor future agreements made by Spain with foreign powers.

    4. With the exception of Article I, this treaty is subject to restrictions which Gathering Storm may be under due to agreements with foreign powers. If Gathering Storm is unable to fulfill a clause of this treaty, because doing so would cause a violation of an agreement with a foreign power, then Gathering Storm will not be considered to have violated this treaty.

    5. The existence of this treaty, and the terms of it, are to be kept secret from all civs and individuals who are not members or citizens of Gathering Storm or Spain. Gathering Storm may grant permission to disclose the existence of this treaty or specific details of it when Gathering Storm feels it would be beneficial to do so, at which time specified details may be disclosed, but the remainder will remain secret.

    ARTICLE VIII - Ratification

    1. Once this treaty has been signed by the representatives of each partner, those representatives are responsible for taking the treaty back to be ratified by the House of Lords in Spain and the Council of the Storm in the Gathering Storm.

    2. Upon ratification by the House of Lords in Spain and the Council of the Storm in the Gathering Storm and notification of this ratification in each case is sent to the other nation, this treaty will go into effect and the partners will be bound by its terms.

    ARTICLE IX - Ammendments

    1. This treaty may be ammended if representatives of the two partners mutually agree to an ammended version of the treaty and such an ammended treaty is then ratified using the guidelines found in Article VIII.

    The poll is expired.

    Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
    Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
    7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game

  • #2
    Please vote on this. We need to get an answer back to GS on whether this is ratified so they can pass on the save (accepting the gifting of our cities first).
    Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
    Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
    7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


    • #3
      I agree to this.

      Lord Toledo

      I bless this document, and when the votes are in, if passed, I will sign it also.

      His Will be done,
      Pope Calixtus I
      Empire growing,
      Pleasures flowing,
      Fortune smiles and so should you.


      • #4
        I agree. Good work Arnelos. We got you back just in time.


        • #5
          Sounds nice
          meet the new boss, same as the old boss


          • #6
            I am the 10th vote to say yes. I am very happy to see that all the Spanish lords stay united.

            And about the negatiotion itself... it is really remarkable. The situation has changed completely in a very few days since total disaster to a very hopefully one.
            "Never trust a man who puts your profit before his own profit." - Grand Nagus Zek, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, episode 11
            "A communist is someone who has read Marx and Lenin. An anticommunist is someone who has understood Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)


            • #7

              May the Holy Alliance of Spain and Egypt (and perhaps Persia too!) live forever!

              Daniel de la Civ


              • #8
                I suppose this document shall be sent off very quickly indeed, then.

                De la Civ, Persia may side with us, but they'll certainly never be much of a help with only one city on the Lego coast.

                Lord Toledo
                Empire growing,
                Pleasures flowing,
                Fortune smiles and so should you.


                • #9

                  I do NOT like, nor do I agree. We are here to win, and to do so honorably. Our many decisions to try and be PEACEFULL despite the protest of myself and others is what brought us to this point. We either gift everything to Gathering Storm and give up, or we make a stand alone, pillaging and burning in our retreat until either we are defeated or victorious. We DO NOT SELL OURSELVES INTO SLAVERY. NEVER!!!

                  I will renounce my citizenship of Spain if this passes.

                  Richard William Olson, aka “Godking”
                  If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


                  • #10
                    I vote yes. Let's give ND and GoW the treatment they deserve!

                    (I don't like the idea of being a vassal of GS, but it's the lesser harming option)


                    • #11
                      Senor GodKing,

                      I too feel this way, but I also note that there is no way that we can win against Arabia. It is impossible. I had hoped we would fight it out, but I was ruled out. However, the time for discussion is over. The decision must be made, and I will not desert my country in her time of greatest need.

                      Lord Toledo
                      Empire growing,
                      Pleasures flowing,
                      Fortune smiles and so should you.


                      • #12
                        I fullly support this because we cannot win a 2 on 1 war against 2 civs in their GA while we have no knights. End of story...
                        Citizen of the Apolyton team in the ISDG
                        Currently known as Senor Rubris in the PTW DG team


                        • #13
                          Señor GodKing:

                          As I said in another thread, my opinion is that this is not the moment to discuss which are the causes that brought us to this situation and the errors that the nation commited, if any. Personally I have my own theory about that and would like to discuss it, but not at the moment. So I humbly ask you not to renounce to your citizenship. We have already lost too much...
                          "Never trust a man who puts your profit before his own profit." - Grand Nagus Zek, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, episode 11
                          "A communist is someone who has read Marx and Lenin. An anticommunist is someone who has understood Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)


                          • #14
                            Honor is afforded only to those who have little to lose.
                            A prince must keep in mind the well-being of all his subjects when making decisions for the state. To not do so will be his downfall and the downfall of his people as well. Thus a Lord cannot afford to conduct politics in the manner by which he would conduct his personal morality. Honor is for knights and fools. A leader has no such luxury to hide his resposibility behind.
                            Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                            • #15
                              Señor GodKing

                              I completely agree. We must not win dishonorably, for it is not a --

                              (Stufpos enters the room.) Okay gramps, here's your happy medicine.

                              As I was saying, it is dishonorable to cowardly give over our cit--xx---grphsl...*gulp*

                              You know, that's very rude just cramming that down my throat like that! Why, I oughta...

                              Hm. What were we talking about? Anyways, this treaty is great.

                              Spamish Mitchell
                              meet the new boss, same as the old boss

