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Roleplaying: The First Battles

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  • Roleplaying: The First Battles

    Okay, as we had said about RP and Propoganda, WE are the Rp team, we should be pumping the public forum with spam, from frontline reports to obituaries to whatever.

    Spamish is a pikeman in a unit in northeastern Spain (could someone post a screenie of the situation? It'd really help.) In his spare time he is writing his autobiography and sending letters home about what he thinks about the situation.

    There, I gave my example, one of you give yours
    meet the new boss, same as the old boss

  • #2
    I already posted it somewhere, but I've got a few people in the fight.
    Empire growing,
    Pleasures flowing,
    Fortune smiles and so should you.


    • #3
      Roberto Menor and Mayor are in a Pikeman unit in Toledo.

      EDIT: The King's Own Lancers (Pamplona Guard)
      Last edited by civman2000; July 20, 2003, 08:59.


      • #4
        Edgar Nuñez de Vigo is the captain of the pikemen entrusted with one of the most dangerous and important tasks in the coming war; protecting the iron mines in the mountains of Vigo...

        The men are nervous, the more experienced soldiers train three times a day trying to make the newest recruits ready for the inevitable. The captain, a short stocky man with his long black hair tied in a pony-tail sees the worry in the faces of his youngest men. No more guard duty in the warm heated houses of miners, or chasing after bands of rogues and petty criminals, all lights are out at night so the enemy shan't ambush the mines during the dark hours.

        A particular young boy keeps running back and forth from the latrine, too nervous to keep down his meals. How could they have entrusted this task to untested recruits, he wonders, yet regardless, the iron mines of spain shall be protected to the very last man. Even the miners have been given some basic weapon training. The captain prays daily, hoping it will be enough. So much rests on his shoulders.

        should I post this in the propaganda thread?
        Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


        • #5

          Pope Calixtus I: Formerly Cardinal Calamari. Newly appointed Pontiff of the Church of Madrid.

          Don Iago de History Guy Calamari, Lord Toledo: Head of the family, chief squid merchant. Commander of troops from Toledo. Preparing defenses against the Riders now. Fears that he cannot keep back the Riders, but is prepared to die fighting.

          Captain Headwig Calamari. The next in line to Toledo Dukedom. Nephew of Don Iago by third son of Fernand I (the three brothers being Iago, Pope Calixtus, and the late Alfonse I). He is in command of all the troops in Toledo.

          Lady Toledo: Iago's aging wife. Stays in Toledo, locked in her private chapel, praying for her husband's protection.

          Alfonse Calamari II: Eldest son of Lord Toledo. In control of squid business in the city of Madrid.

          Hernan Calamari III: Second son of Lord Toledo, military aide to his Lordship.

          Father Colomba Calamari: Military chaplain. Second son of the late Alfonse I.
          Empire growing,
          Pleasures flowing,
          Fortune smiles and so should you.


          • #6
            GK - Dead guy who floats around commenting on the methods of killing... adn generally becomes a pest durring fights saying things like "oh, that was a sissy way of chopping his head off"

            Inigo Montoya - Pleab.
            If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


            • #7
              It is time for this once we get the save.

              When we get the save, we need people to track down whether any of their characters were killed and write up anything appropriate they have to write up on the subject.

              Even if you didn't have a character killed, feel free to write up stories of the experience of the citizens of Spain who suffered from these attacks and the valiant fighting of our brave soliders in Leon.

              The longer and more embelished the tale, the better.

              Roleplay and stories are HIGHLY welcome and encouraged. This is exactly the type of thing our team was created to do.

              Hell, I'd be willing to have a competition... at the end of the war, we'll vote on who wrote the best stories and we'll vote on individual stories and which ones were best. So go out there and give Spain your best work!

              You spammers know who I'm talking to
              Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
              Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
              7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


              • #8

                C'mon people!

                I'm going to have to write something myself even though none of my family members have died (and I'm not all THAT talented with this story writing business).

                C'mon! You all have been spamming this forum for ages with GREAT stories! Now we need you!

                Write for SPAIN!
                Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                • #9
                  i was thinking about putting this in SP(a)IN

                  Report: Spanish Children Suffering Shortages of Silken Bedspreads and Gold-Nosed Teddy Bears
                  'Mindless Atrocity' of War Prevents Shipments of Gold Building Blocks

                  SEVILLA, SPAIN--Wednesday--The recent war between the nations of Glory of War and Neu Demogyptica against Spain has brought many hardships to the people of Spain.

                  In Sevilla, hard-hit by the lack of resources that were deferred to the War Effort, the children are forced to give up their golden building blocks in favor of cheaper wooden ones just so they can continue to have their daily meals of fine Spanish Squid.

                  "The big boom-boom in the North means we have no pretty shiny blocks to play with," an eight-year old Sevilla resident, who does not even have modern-day necessities such as a padded chamberbidet or the customary twelve servants to act upon his every whim.

                  Spanish government officials could not be reached for comment.

                  The children are not the only ones suffering, however--adults in Spain do too. Spamish Mitchell, longtime participator in the Squid business, tells us that due to the stricter checkpoints and his employees being sent off to the front lines to fight for Spain, it costs him up to three times as much to operate the Spam Brand Squid shop.

                  "We're barely making an even profit...we've had to cut funding for our Squid breeding by 30%, and we expect that at worst we might have to drop the program altogether...."

                  In recent months Spam Brand has had to give up deals with more than thirty various merchants who do the distribution of its Squid, effectively ending most of their business. (El Squid Company does not sell Squid in most of frontier Spain, thus Spam is the only line of supply for life-giving Squid.)

                  We talked to Señor El Madeupo Forte Distory, a market owner on the outskirts of Sevilla, for his perspective on the issue. "Ever since Spamish couldn't supply Sevilla adequate Squid and had to give it a ration of 100 a day, the market has been nothing more than a riot in the morning as people hope to grab up a Squid. After the last Squid is sold, activity drops to nothing more than the occasional oddball purchaser of goats' brains.

                  The general mood of Sevilla is one of despair. Most people spend their day sulking inside of their homes. The children, not really understanding the horrors of war, spend their time playing outside when their parents let them, but we wait disheartedly for the first of the rage of Glory of War or Neu Demogyptican arrows to land in town.

                  However, not all Sevillans feel this way. An Alsomad Uhp, a natural-born Glory of War citizen who immigrated to Spain in his early years, has decided to return to the Glory of War lands to solicit donations for our lavishness-starved children. He tells true tales of children who are said to be living in the Great Midieval Spain but who can not even get their fried elephant tusks on a stick for snacks. In the last letter he sent to Spain, several weeks ago, he mentioned some kind of "great conspiracy" by some "Shadow Emperor CrazyGhengis" to "totally, mercilessly, and brutally destroy" Spain.
                  meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                  • #10
                    I can come up with some more as the actual fighting progresses. It's difficult to be emotional until someone actually dies.
                    meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mrmitchell
                      I can come up with some more as the actual fighting progresses. It's difficult to be emotional until someone actually dies.
                      hee hee.

                      Good point

                      I like what you have, though. Not exactly what I was going for, but it's good material for humour value
                      Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                      Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                      7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                      • #12
                        I'm having trouble sorting out whats been happening and whats still plans and ideas...
                        Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                        • #13
                          Just one correction...

                          El Squid does sell in the frontier! Lord Toledo makes sure of it!

                          Alfonse Calamari II
                          Head of El Squid Company
                          Empire growing,
                          Pleasures flowing,
                          Fortune smiles and so should you.


                          • #14
                            meet the new boss, same as the old boss

