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House of Cardinals: Council of Castile

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  • House of Cardinals: Council of Castile

    All the Cardinals of the Curia present are to take part in this Council. We need to decide on the current status of the Vatican's stance on these wars.


    May Almighty God bless and save these, His humble servants, and give them the wisdom and grace needed to make a wise and just decision in these matters. In His Name we pray, Amen. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

    My brothers in Christ, fellow members of the Curia,

    The Church is, I must tell you, in danger of being overrun by the infidels outside of our borders who, unlike the Persians and the Carthaginians, have not warmed easily to our missionary activities. Indeed, the Arabs of Neu Demogyptica firmly oppose the teachings of the Church and the Word of God, and reject it for their heathen religion of Islam. These Musselmen, as they are called, further wish to stomp out the true way. They do not understand, brothers, that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that those who believe in Him alone shall be saved.

    Such ignorance is not to be mocked. They are a sad and misguided people. They have not heard the doctrines of the Church or, most importantly, the Scriptures. They do not know what the Lord wishes of them. But, we must remember, brothers, that even the worst of sinners can be saved. For, like the prodigal's son, there is no man so evil and fallen that, if he truly repents, cannot be forgiven by the Lord.

    Yet, we must also remember that before the Name of the Lord, every knee shall bend. The Mahound of the Musselmen, the Confucius of the Chinese, all shall fall before God and praise His Name. No man will be left standing.

    It is the wish of the King of Spain to have this war launched by the Chinese and the Arabs, in league, to be proclaimed as a crusade for our banner.

    What say you? Shall the Papal Banner flutter alongside that of the King of Spain? Shall the representative of Christ stand on the battlefield in his armor?

    If we pledge ourselves to his cause, we should bless and consecrate the armies of Spain by renaming them as is proper and presenting them with the Papal Banner.

    Pope Calixtus I
    Empire growing,
    Pleasures flowing,
    Fortune smiles and so should you.

  • #2
    I give my blessing to the King and his armies in their crusade against the infidels. We must always remember that they are simply mistaken and can be converted, but for the safety of Spain and the survival of the True Faith, it is necessary for us to fight them with all of our might.

    Cardinal de la Civ


    • #3
      I agree.

      This is truly a crusade. I offer my blessing.

      As for the idea of the Church watching Spain submit to Egyptian power, that is abhorrent unless Spain is given powers such as certain members of the House of Lords lay out and if Egypt gives up its evil chicken religion and convert to Christianity. What say you to this?

      Pope Calixtus I
      Empire growing,
      Pleasures flowing,
      Fortune smiles and so should you.

