I came up with this idea while driving in my car to go get food just now.
We need to do some propaganda and I was trying to figure out what we can do as a long-term propaganda campaign to keep our lives interesting during the war and perhaps build some sympathy for the team abroad.
The answer is simple: We're the roleplay team. It was our intention to roleplay every aspect of our history, good and bad, and perhaps even share parts of that roleplay with the public at large.
A war means death, pain, torment, loss, and grieving. It also can mean pride and bravery even in the face of certain defeat, valour, glory.
We need to do what we can to evoke those emotions.
I was thinking about the various ways we can do that. It's unfortunate that the most effective means (music) is closed to us because of the nature of this site. That said, the written word can be rather effective.
As a group of dedicated roleplayers, I fully expect that we can wipe the floor with GoW in this department if we have the resolve to do so.
That said, all stories should in some way pertain to in-game events, just roleplayed. So if Glory of War or Neu Demogyptica attack and kill a unit, we can talk about any relatives of ours that were killed with the unit, their widows and other surviving relatives, the eulogies for their funerals, etc. If an enemy attacks a city and the pop falls by one, we can decry the loss of life, pray to god for salvation and forgiveness for our sins, give descriptions of the efforts by the city administration to clear away the dead bodies and prevent disease, etc. If a city is razed, we can talk about refugees and prayers to god, all looking for salvation.
We should not, however, display too overt a level of bitterness toward the other teams. We can have characters we write about doing so, but WE should not. Characters should instead focus upon the virtues of Spain, that we are sorry to god for whatever sins we have committed, and that we continue to pray fo our salvation from this wretched war.
As for me, I think I've found my new role on the team. I've been looking for one since I got back. I'm going to do a similar job for this team that I once did for the DIA in the SPDG.
If someone wants to give me an official title for that, fine, but I don't need one. I won't be the only one participating anyhow.
Now... given the above, we NEED everyone to come up with a list of relatives and their locations with various units in the game. That way when any unit falls in battle, various nobles of Spain will be able to eulogize their fallen brethren and speak of the valour and bravery of the unit.
Cardinals and Pope, we need some work done by the House of Cardinals along the lines of santifying this war a legitimate holy crusade (of a sort) to defend the Catholic faith from assault. No need to go on about the infadel status of the enemy TOO much, just the need to defend Catholicism from extinction. Praise the glory of god and ask for forgiveness of our sins and to be blessed with his righteousness in battle, that type of stuff.
Togas... I'm sure you can come up with some good ideas for what to do as "King".
As for me, I've got some idea already and I know where to get my inspiration from (though the places I'm taking material from will need to be heavily altered
It might also be good to write the lyrics to music. Requiems and other latin masses would be appropriate. I've already started thinking about how we could create a composer who was writing exceptionally moving requiems in honor of the fallen soldiers of Spain and the glory of God to bring life even after death, etc, etc, etc.
The more, the better.
Please pass any ideas you have in this regard through this thread before posting them publicly, however (unless it's the type of thing we've already said should be posted).
The goal is that we will be a civilization that people will FEEL for. The fall of every Spanish soldier felt with sadness, the victory of every Spanish unit with pride. Even the defeat of Spanish units with a sort of pride that cannot be achieved in victory: that we are fighting to the last man standing. We will fight with honour and valour to the end... no surrendering to the enemy, no exodes. Our people will fight with every drop of blood they have to show their spirit and their resolve.
There is respect to be had for such a stance, especially if we're keeping a stiff upper lip in the face of defeat.
And that, my friends, is my aim.
We need to do some propaganda and I was trying to figure out what we can do as a long-term propaganda campaign to keep our lives interesting during the war and perhaps build some sympathy for the team abroad.
The answer is simple: We're the roleplay team. It was our intention to roleplay every aspect of our history, good and bad, and perhaps even share parts of that roleplay with the public at large.
A war means death, pain, torment, loss, and grieving. It also can mean pride and bravery even in the face of certain defeat, valour, glory.
We need to do what we can to evoke those emotions.
I was thinking about the various ways we can do that. It's unfortunate that the most effective means (music) is closed to us because of the nature of this site. That said, the written word can be rather effective.
As a group of dedicated roleplayers, I fully expect that we can wipe the floor with GoW in this department if we have the resolve to do so.
That said, all stories should in some way pertain to in-game events, just roleplayed. So if Glory of War or Neu Demogyptica attack and kill a unit, we can talk about any relatives of ours that were killed with the unit, their widows and other surviving relatives, the eulogies for their funerals, etc. If an enemy attacks a city and the pop falls by one, we can decry the loss of life, pray to god for salvation and forgiveness for our sins, give descriptions of the efforts by the city administration to clear away the dead bodies and prevent disease, etc. If a city is razed, we can talk about refugees and prayers to god, all looking for salvation.
We should not, however, display too overt a level of bitterness toward the other teams. We can have characters we write about doing so, but WE should not. Characters should instead focus upon the virtues of Spain, that we are sorry to god for whatever sins we have committed, and that we continue to pray fo our salvation from this wretched war.
As for me, I think I've found my new role on the team. I've been looking for one since I got back. I'm going to do a similar job for this team that I once did for the DIA in the SPDG.

Now... given the above, we NEED everyone to come up with a list of relatives and their locations with various units in the game. That way when any unit falls in battle, various nobles of Spain will be able to eulogize their fallen brethren and speak of the valour and bravery of the unit.
Cardinals and Pope, we need some work done by the House of Cardinals along the lines of santifying this war a legitimate holy crusade (of a sort) to defend the Catholic faith from assault. No need to go on about the infadel status of the enemy TOO much, just the need to defend Catholicism from extinction. Praise the glory of god and ask for forgiveness of our sins and to be blessed with his righteousness in battle, that type of stuff.
Togas... I'm sure you can come up with some good ideas for what to do as "King".
As for me, I've got some idea already and I know where to get my inspiration from (though the places I'm taking material from will need to be heavily altered

It might also be good to write the lyrics to music. Requiems and other latin masses would be appropriate. I've already started thinking about how we could create a composer who was writing exceptionally moving requiems in honor of the fallen soldiers of Spain and the glory of God to bring life even after death, etc, etc, etc.
The more, the better.
Please pass any ideas you have in this regard through this thread before posting them publicly, however (unless it's the type of thing we've already said should be posted).
The goal is that we will be a civilization that people will FEEL for. The fall of every Spanish soldier felt with sadness, the victory of every Spanish unit with pride. Even the defeat of Spanish units with a sort of pride that cannot be achieved in victory: that we are fighting to the last man standing. We will fight with honour and valour to the end... no surrendering to the enemy, no exodes. Our people will fight with every drop of blood they have to show their spirit and their resolve.
There is respect to be had for such a stance, especially if we're keeping a stiff upper lip in the face of defeat.
And that, my friends, is my aim.