I've got my little spreadsheet that tells me how many people we're in contact with have a tech back up and running 
At the moment, the only techs we can tell that about are Engineering, Printing Press, Chivalry, and Education.
From what I can tell, only Chivalry is held by anyone and it is currently held by either 1 empire (I assume Glory of War).
Given that Glory of War just went from "weak" to "average" in strength with us and they were the ones researching Chivalry (and no doubt now have it), I would think this means that they are building Riders. Since they also likely still have around a healthy force of horsemen that they built during the Lux/ND war, they'll probably want to spend any money they have on upgrading their force of horsemen to riders.
I'd bet that GoW can probably field a rather sizable force of riders in a pretty short time, depending mostly on how much money they have in the bank and/or how much money they can get off of the rest of us in return for Chivalry.
The other issue is how fast Glory of War can build additional Riders if they just recently got the advance. Assuming they put most of their cities on building riders, how long and how large of a force do you think they would amass?
Finally, if they should actually amass such a force, where do you think they would send it? Assuming no fleet, ND seems the best option, but we are another potential and if they build a fleet as well (though that would take a good bit longer I'd guess), Gathering Storm and Legoland are also options.

At the moment, the only techs we can tell that about are Engineering, Printing Press, Chivalry, and Education.
From what I can tell, only Chivalry is held by anyone and it is currently held by either 1 empire (I assume Glory of War).
Given that Glory of War just went from "weak" to "average" in strength with us and they were the ones researching Chivalry (and no doubt now have it), I would think this means that they are building Riders. Since they also likely still have around a healthy force of horsemen that they built during the Lux/ND war, they'll probably want to spend any money they have on upgrading their force of horsemen to riders.
I'd bet that GoW can probably field a rather sizable force of riders in a pretty short time, depending mostly on how much money they have in the bank and/or how much money they can get off of the rest of us in return for Chivalry.
The other issue is how fast Glory of War can build additional Riders if they just recently got the advance. Assuming they put most of their cities on building riders, how long and how large of a force do you think they would amass?
Finally, if they should actually amass such a force, where do you think they would send it? Assuming no fleet, ND seems the best option, but we are another potential and if they build a fleet as well (though that would take a good bit longer I'd guess), Gathering Storm and Legoland are also options.