Now that I've got you reading, keep reading...
a.) Barcelona grows to size 6 in 9 turns which comes out to be turn 107, but Barcelona cannot build settlers or workers because it is building galleys we need for Operation Piss-Off GS.
b.) Pamplona will only have just returned to size 6 on turn 107 after building its latest infernal unit of settlers, and Pamplona cannot build anything else because those settlers must prop Madrid back up once we burn it down.
c.) The Palace Jump happens on turn 107.
I think I see a conflict here. Can we please straighten this out before we get to turn 107 and have the palace split the middle between the two cities?
a.) Barcelona grows to size 6 in 9 turns which comes out to be turn 107, but Barcelona cannot build settlers or workers because it is building galleys we need for Operation Piss-Off GS.
b.) Pamplona will only have just returned to size 6 on turn 107 after building its latest infernal unit of settlers, and Pamplona cannot build anything else because those settlers must prop Madrid back up once we burn it down.
c.) The Palace Jump happens on turn 107.
I think I see a conflict here. Can we please straighten this out before we get to turn 107 and have the palace split the middle between the two cities?