Hey, what do you know.. I'm back.
Hi, I hope we can salvage something out of our defeat.
Hopefully the culture in Invicta will flip after nde take it.. I don't think we had any culture in other cities, so only invicta might do it.. unless they burn that city.
THEREFORE, we MUST leave invicta as a size 1 city , so it can flip.
There might not be much we could do to hold it if we got control of it again.. but maybe we can begin to build up an army on our new continent to retake our old lands.
I talked with Trip, and suggested we call our ships The LIS and a name, which stands for Lux Invicta Ship, the same way real ships are named.
some ship name ideas:
the LIS Hope.
the LIS Vanguard.
the LIS Wave Ruler (a real modern british ship name)
LIS Enterprise
LIS Quod Et Demonstrandum (QED.. meaning therefore it is.. only latin thing i could think of, it will confuse the enemy
Hi, I hope we can salvage something out of our defeat.
Hopefully the culture in Invicta will flip after nde take it.. I don't think we had any culture in other cities, so only invicta might do it.. unless they burn that city.
THEREFORE, we MUST leave invicta as a size 1 city , so it can flip.
There might not be much we could do to hold it if we got control of it again.. but maybe we can begin to build up an army on our new continent to retake our old lands.
I talked with Trip, and suggested we call our ships The LIS and a name, which stands for Lux Invicta Ship, the same way real ships are named.
some ship name ideas:
the LIS Hope.
the LIS Vanguard.
the LIS Wave Ruler (a real modern british ship name)
LIS Enterprise
LIS Quod Et Demonstrandum (QED.. meaning therefore it is.. only latin thing i could think of, it will confuse the enemy
