We declare war upon Neu Demogytpica (technically).
They stated in their PM that they would attack, so this isn't a big deal. Much discussions out of game with GoW and RP.
They stated in their PM that they would attack, so this isn't a big deal. Much discussions out of game with GoW and RP.
- Destroyed NDE scout on our road with 3rd Warrior.
- Moved 1st Warrior on iron tile N onto the road. Moved 2nd Warrior NE, heading for Invictus, found the other NDE scout.
- Moved 1st Spearman and 1st Worker onto hill tile NE of Regio.
- Moved 2nd Spearman in Regio 1 tile east onto road.
- Abandoned city Regio Equorum.
- Merged our Settler in Invictus with the city, changed tile being worked, started production on Horseman (will be changed to Barracks later).