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Attention Lux: And So it Comes... War

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  • #16
    My thoughts exactly, calc, we cannot afford to loose it, and we may not have the strength to defend it....
    "If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.


    • #17
      Originally posted by BigFurryMonster
      Your Furry Friend never runs out of original ideas.

      The following is a quite drastic evacuation plan. It'll work if Roleplay helps us.

      It is based on the fact that ND thinks they are making war on us, and that GoW and RP will stay aside. And I think they are correct - for the first 20 turns or so. GoW is not strong enough, and RP is too far. By then, we'll be mopped up by ND.

      This plan is based on the premise that:
      • Neither GoW nor RP will come to our aid in time
      • Both GoW and RP like us more than they do ND, especially if ND becomes too strong.
      • RP is willing to take a bit of a risk with us.

      It is also my guess that ND really does not want war with RP.

      Now - what's the plan? It is:
      • We just made a settler in Invictus. We send him south along the coast.
      • We abandon Regio Equorum.
      • We trade Campus Felix for a small city deep in RP territory.
      • We fight a "retreat-war" but give up Invictus eventually, moving our Palace to RP's former city.
      • We become a vassal state of RP. We help them tech-wise.
      • Our settler will found a city somewhere near our new capital.
      • ND will not want war with RP, and will therefore not attack Campus Felix.
      • Our spearman-army will retreat somewhere safe (possibly in GoW territory) until GoW and RP have gathered forces to counter-attack ND.
      • ND gets blown to tiny bits by RP, maybe with help of GoW.
      • We'll get our land back eventually.

      Yes - this is drastic. IMHO, the alternative is to fight a losing war. Not much fun. This plan is all about fun and creativity.

      What do you think?
      Well, with the situation being what it is, BFM, we may need your plan after all...


      • #18
        Yes, I think that plan looks like a good idea atm.
        Revolution Gaming - Revolution Technology


        • #19
          As RP Vassals we could get our revenge on NDE.


          • #20
            I didnt realized our agreements had expired. I wish I had known that. It's all in hindsight now of course, but we should have had offensive units ready before those agreements ended. I though the GoW non-agression pact was still in force. The same with the RP alliance. We should have kept track of the stuff more closely.
            Citizen of the Apolyton team in the ISDG
            Currently known as Senor Rubris in the PTW DG team

