I recently had a chat with redstar, the foreign minister with Legoland.
They're all alone with quite a bit of land to themselves. However, they're concerned of falling behind technologically, so they want to get contact with 'the rest' of the world. I want Lux to be the first civ they get contact with. At that point, we can get them on our 'side' and possibly divide the world up in a Treaty of Tordillsias type contract.
Here's a transcript of my chat with redstar:
They're all alone with quite a bit of land to themselves. However, they're concerned of falling behind technologically, so they want to get contact with 'the rest' of the world. I want Lux to be the first civ they get contact with. At that point, we can get them on our 'side' and possibly divide the world up in a Treaty of Tordillsias type contract.
Here's a transcript of my chat with redstar:
Session Start: Sat Feb 08 12:30:25 2003
Session Ident: redstar1
Session Ident: redstar1 (d@host217-40-233-36.in-addr.btopenworld.com)
[redstar1] any more developments in your part of the world?
[Trip] what part do I live in? LoL
[redstar1] was on about the DG
[Trip] ah
[Trip] which team do you hail from?
[redstar1] LEgoland, I'm Foreign minister
[redstar1] for all the point that is
[Trip] ahhhh
[Trip] I see
[Trip] you guys seem to be doing quite well lately
[Trip] I'm impressed
[Trip] being all alone though, it won't last much longer
[redstar1] dunno about that
[redstar1] scores are ok but hard to tell when we have no contact
[redstar1] oh? planning on paying us a visit?
[Trip] hehe
[Trip] perhaps
[Trip] no clue where you guys are though
[redstar1] aye, we ain't so sure ourselves
[redstar1] looking forward to doing a bit of trading though
[Trip] hehe
[Trip] we were planning to go naval soon
[Trip] perhaps we could look for you
[redstar1] well I think we are planning to send off a galley as soon as its possible
[Trip] how long might that be?
[redstar1] we have a suspicion of which way to go but nothings been decided
[redstar1] good question
[Trip] perhaps we could coordinate
[Trip] Lux is very interested in acquiring friendly contact with everyone
[redstar1] certainly more than 10 turns away
[redstar1] same with Legoland
[redstar1] sooner we get in contact the sooner we know where we stand lol
[Trip] hehe
[Trip] right
[redstar1] but i think we would certainly be interested in coordinating efforts re meeting up
[Trip] though I'm sure you're doing quite well
[Trip] how many cities do you have?
[redstar1] more than 2
[Trip] so shy are we?
[Trip] we have 4
[redstar1] 5
[redstar1] just planted the 5th last turn
[redstar1] though we did pop a settler so that helped a good deal
[redstar1] i hear trouble is brewing on your continent
[Trip] ahhh
[Trip] yes, that's a possibility
[redstar1] nasty to run into it so early
[redstar1] i don't think we would be prepared for conflict early
[redstar1] though we have had our share of barbarians
[Trip] yep
[Trip] hehe
[Trip] we've had 2 barbs to deal with lately
[redstar1] bastards are everywhere
[Trip] quite exciting chases
[Trip] though other teams' scouts have lured them off
[redstar1] hmmm quite close then
[redstar1] i suppose the advantage is our units get to cut their teeth a bit
[redstar1] had some 'promotions'
[Trip] hehe
[Trip] that's good
[Trip] how big of a landmass are you on?
[redstar1] its big enough i suppose
[redstar1] we have uncovered it all
[redstar1] but there is a peninsuala area we are still working on
[redstar1] lots of dodgy terrain though
[redstar1] but then it will be the same for everyone
[Trip] yeah, probably
[Trip] we've been trying to cut civs off with our cities
[Trip] but it hasn't worked so well so far
[redstar1] god help us if some jammy bastard lands 20 squars of grassland
[Trip] LoL
[redstar1] no? things looking mangled over there then
[redstar1] the isolation thing is prob working out well for us
[redstar1] atm anyway
[Trip] for now
[Trip] yeah
[Trip] can you say where on the mini-map you are?
[Trip] we should have galleys reasonably soon
[redstar1] not so sure of our teams ability to out play some of you guys
[redstar1] we would probably be happy to trade minimaps
[redstar1] have to discuss with team though
[Trip] okay
[redstar1] but i'll post about it and see what the reaction is
[redstar1] should be favorable enough
[redstar1] we are pretty starved of info
[Trip] alright
[Trip] haha
[Trip] we're not
[Trip] we know where every civ is except you
[redstar1] anyways, i need to go out now, got a night of pizza and playstation2
[redstar1] yeah?
[redstar1] nice one
[redstar1] i'll pm you on poly sure when we have a proposal
[Trip] ahaha
[Trip] okay, great, thanks
[Trip] sounds good
[redstar1] nice one
[Trip] we hope to find you rather soon
[redstar1] nice chatting mate
[Trip] indeed
[redstar1] looking to use our miliatary might?
[redstar1] lol
[Trip] LoL
[Trip] nah, you're not GoW are ya ;P
[redstar1] lol
[redstar1] thankfully no
[redstar1] chat later
[Trip] hehe
[Trip] 'Til lata
Session Ident: redstar1
Session Ident: redstar1 (d@host217-40-233-36.in-addr.btopenworld.com)
[redstar1] any more developments in your part of the world?

[Trip] what part do I live in? LoL
[redstar1] was on about the DG
[Trip] ah
[Trip] which team do you hail from?
[redstar1] LEgoland, I'm Foreign minister
[redstar1] for all the point that is

[Trip] ahhhh
[Trip] I see
[Trip] you guys seem to be doing quite well lately

[Trip] I'm impressed
[Trip] being all alone though, it won't last much longer

[redstar1] dunno about that
[redstar1] scores are ok but hard to tell when we have no contact
[redstar1] oh? planning on paying us a visit?

[Trip] hehe
[Trip] perhaps

[Trip] no clue where you guys are though
[redstar1] aye, we ain't so sure ourselves
[redstar1] looking forward to doing a bit of trading though
[Trip] hehe
[Trip] we were planning to go naval soon
[Trip] perhaps we could look for you
[redstar1] well I think we are planning to send off a galley as soon as its possible
[Trip] how long might that be?
[redstar1] we have a suspicion of which way to go but nothings been decided
[redstar1] good question
[Trip] perhaps we could coordinate
[Trip] Lux is very interested in acquiring friendly contact with everyone

[redstar1] certainly more than 10 turns away
[redstar1] same with Legoland
[redstar1] sooner we get in contact the sooner we know where we stand lol
[Trip] hehe
[Trip] right
[redstar1] but i think we would certainly be interested in coordinating efforts re meeting up
[Trip] though I'm sure you're doing quite well

[Trip] how many cities do you have?
[redstar1] more than 2

[Trip] so shy are we?
[Trip] we have 4
[redstar1] 5
[redstar1] just planted the 5th last turn
[redstar1] though we did pop a settler so that helped a good deal
[redstar1] i hear trouble is brewing on your continent
[Trip] ahhh
[Trip] yes, that's a possibility

[redstar1] nasty to run into it so early
[redstar1] i don't think we would be prepared for conflict early
[redstar1] though we have had our share of barbarians
[Trip] yep
[Trip] hehe
[Trip] we've had 2 barbs to deal with lately
[redstar1] bastards are everywhere
[Trip] quite exciting chases

[Trip] though other teams' scouts have lured them off
[redstar1] hmmm quite close then
[redstar1] i suppose the advantage is our units get to cut their teeth a bit
[redstar1] had some 'promotions'
[Trip] hehe
[Trip] that's good
[Trip] how big of a landmass are you on?
[redstar1] its big enough i suppose
[redstar1] we have uncovered it all
[redstar1] but there is a peninsuala area we are still working on
[redstar1] lots of dodgy terrain though
[redstar1] but then it will be the same for everyone
[Trip] yeah, probably
[Trip] we've been trying to cut civs off with our cities
[Trip] but it hasn't worked so well so far

[redstar1] god help us if some jammy bastard lands 20 squars of grassland
[Trip] LoL
[redstar1] no? things looking mangled over there then
[redstar1] the isolation thing is prob working out well for us
[redstar1] atm anyway
[Trip] for now

[Trip] yeah
[Trip] can you say where on the mini-map you are?
[Trip] we should have galleys reasonably soon
[redstar1] not so sure of our teams ability to out play some of you guys
[redstar1] we would probably be happy to trade minimaps
[redstar1] have to discuss with team though
[Trip] okay
[redstar1] but i'll post about it and see what the reaction is
[redstar1] should be favorable enough
[redstar1] we are pretty starved of info

[Trip] alright
[Trip] haha
[Trip] we're not

[Trip] we know where every civ is except you
[redstar1] anyways, i need to go out now, got a night of pizza and playstation2

[redstar1] yeah?
[redstar1] nice one
[redstar1] i'll pm you on poly sure when we have a proposal

[Trip] ahaha
[Trip] okay, great, thanks
[Trip] sounds good

[redstar1] nice one
[Trip] we hope to find you rather soon

[redstar1] nice chatting mate
[Trip] indeed

[redstar1] looking to use our miliatary might?

[redstar1] lol
[Trip] LoL

[Trip] nah, you're not GoW are ya ;P
[redstar1] lol
[redstar1] thankfully no

[redstar1] chat later
[Trip] hehe
[Trip] 'Til lata