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BC 2310 (Game Report)

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  • BC 2310 (Game Report)

    Nothing new or exciting. I worked a different tile in Invictus to gain 1 extra gpt.

    I noticed that Vox is polite towards us and ND are annoyed with us. Is this some sort of setting ..?

    Greatest moments in cat:

  • #2
    This is a reply i sent to panzers old Private message:
    sent on 24-1-2003

    I don't know if those faces mean anything, I think you can only set them in the diplo screen when trading, to show attitude. Maybe theres settings under the foreign advisor.

    about the message,
    when can we start a war on NDE? would it be useful to start early, so they're units don't explore or settle, and they get scared, or should we go for the surprise attack(would need a bigger invasion army ).
    We should take any opportunity to attack them if we cannot find another solution.. if we see a NDE warrior in the open we can take it out.

    We can make some threats to NDE , and see if they will give in to us and become our vassal, ie surrender to us and agree to follow us as their masters.

    MESSAGE to PANZER (of gow)

    Panzer32 wrote on 16-01-2003 02:50:
    I tried sending this to Trip, but his PM box was full.

    Forgive our lack of contact with your great civilization for so long. Pressing matters have taken our interest as of late, but we are again free to deal with our most gracious neighbors to the west.

    We have recently acquired the technology of Iron Working. We would be interested in trading this to you for a certain sum. Please PM me back with any potential offers, and hopefully we can come to some agreement.

    Also, my team desires to come to an agreement about our mutual stance in regards to Neu Demogyptica. Their presence is a pressing issue, and they grow stronger each passing turn. We must decide what our stance should be.

    We await your response.

    Trip, Administrator Lux Invicta Demo Game
    Um, I thought you guys had already agreed to trade Ironworking for Horseback Riding. Are you just offering it to us early? I think our team would rather wait until we can to a tech for tech deal.
    Welcome, oh great war gods,
    My god, trip must get a lot of PM's, they are made in stone in these times, so his message carrier must have died of exhaustion, but I am an ambassador to GoW so talk to me about matters of state as well as Trip.

    We will trade you ironworking when you have completed Horseback riding, and we would appreciate if you could help us research further down the tech tree.. although situations change and techs change, but we hope to have a productive relationship with you as long as you appear trustworthy and loyal.

    We are strongly considering war with NDE when it is feasible, I hope you will ally with us in this war, in return for further technologies and assistance.. such as maps.

    We are pleased with your new maps of the southern region, and hope to be able to trade more of our maps of the coasts and inlands to the east.

    Please can you tell us if you would be able to assist in war in maybe 15 turns? or when.. we would really like you to be in an alliance with us for this, that dosen't mean we'll definitely be allying with RP over it though.

    Any nation would be wise to be loyal and assist LI , as our great technologies may be shared for the lucky few.

    If you have any needs or problems feel free to communicate to me or my diplomatic team.

    Admiral PJ
    Peter Thawley

    All information between LI and GoW is strictly private , any unauthorised leaks will be seen as a hostile action.


    • #3
      Please post in the appropriate thread - this is just a turn report.
      Greatest moments in cat:

