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RP Tech Trade Offer

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  • #31
    Damn. I got this message:

    Hello My Friend:

    I have some dissapointing news, however, things may work out well in the end.

    1. Unfortunately, the powers that be have decided to make the deal for HBR with GoW. This is against my advice. Nonetheless, it is to be.

    2. I am going to tell GoW's ambassador, I will copy you on the PM, that you negotiated in good faith, and only after I advised you the deal fell through with GoW. Also, that you did nothing to "steal that deal".

    3. I am in a position to make a trade to you for Contact with Vox. Would you be willing to trade that to us? and for what?

    We will stand behind the Alliance. We hope their is peace, because an early war can be damaging and we do not have the military units available to be able to help too much.

    Please let me know if you have further questions. Please let me know what trade is possible for Contact with Vox.

    Thank you in advance for being patient with your Southern friend,

    I remain,

    jdjdjd, Friend and Ambassador to Lux Invicta
    I am going to completely ignore this, until we have worked things out with GoW. In the mean time, I'm trying to do the deal by putting HBR on the table and asking for Writing. They probably have it by now, since they ask to trade contacts.
    Greatest moments in cat:


    • #32
      Things I did today:
      • Sent Ghengis a message (see GoW thread).
      • Had a chat with Togas.
      • Sent a message to jdjdjd.
      • Played the turn.

      Geez, diplomacy goes fast when you're having fun...


      (smilies etc. were deleted from this, causing the blank lines)
      Togas says:
      BigFurryMonster says:
      Good to see that you dusted off your MSN!
      BigFurryMonster says:
      And added me
      Togas says:
      Yep. Trip suggested that I add you two in case we needed to chat about something
      BigFurryMonster says:
      Well - I have something: I am authotrized to trade HBR to you now!
      BigFurryMonster says:
      "authorized", that is
      Togas says:
      what about the GoW deal?
      BigFurryMonster says:
      We settled things. They were mis-informed
      BigFurryMonster says:
      (is that an actual word?)
      Togas says:
      I'm completely lost. Last time I spoke to Trip, he told me that you couldn't trade because of an agreement you made with GoW not to trade the tech to us
      BigFurryMonster says:
      That is what they thought that was agreed upon. We had our legal advisor check things out.
      Togas says:
      heck, we even wrote GoW a letter saying that you guys didn't interfear with their trade
      BigFurryMonster says:
      Yes, that helped, too! Sort of a witness case.
      BigFurryMonster says:
      Thank you for that!
      Togas says:
      but won't GoW get angry with you if you trade it to us?
      BigFurryMonster says:
      We made sure that they won't
      Togas says:
      BigFurryMonster says:
      a) we told them that we had been fair and honest (and your message helped to testify)
      BigFurryMonster says:
      b) we made some other deals for the future
      BigFurryMonster says:
      (I promised them to keep that confidential)
      Togas says:
      so you guys agreed to cancel the promise that you wouldn't trade HBR to us? The thing is, we've been negotiating with them the past 2 days
      BigFurryMonster says:
      That promise was not made in the first place (not as such). They THOUGHT it was.
      BigFurryMonster says:
      We gave them all room to get it from you.
      BigFurryMonster says:
      But we cannot wait forever.
      Togas says:
      I've been through the same thing with GoW before where we told them something casually and they thought it was a deal
      BigFurryMonster says:
      They seem to mis-interpret things rather quickly then
      Togas says:
      well, they seem to misinterpret things so that it suits their needs
      BigFurryMonster says:
      Togas says:
      anyhow, I can't pull the plug on the current negotiations, but I can try to spoil them a bit
      BigFurryMonster says:
      Togas says:
      I'll add in a request that they remove their other warrior or we won't trade with them. If they do it, fine, I'll do the trade. If not, probably close up with them and get back on the wagon with you
      BigFurryMonster says:
      Is that warrior annoying you?
      Togas says:
      I've already got adaMada bouncing PMs with Panzer about the whole thing
      Togas says:
      sort of. He's not in our territory but he's close, and I'd rather just see him head home. I don't enjoy being scouted out
      BigFurryMonster says:
      I doubt they will comply
      Togas says:
      we got one warrior out. I'll see if they'll budge on the other
      Togas says:
      I think in the future we'll only make trade deals after we get a tech. This "pre development" stuff gets too complicated
      BigFurryMonster says:
      I would be disappointed if the deal would be off, after all this hard work, and GoW turning things to their advantage
      Togas says:
      me too.
      BigFurryMonster says:
      I agree on the trade deals post-development
      Togas says:
      Frankly, up until 2 days ago, I just assumed trade with you guys and screw GoW
      BigFurryMonster says:

      BigFurryMonster says:
      What made you change your mind?
      Togas says:
      but adamada worked something out, they made some claims about how Lux COULDN'T trade us HBR ... so I went to check with Trip about it, and he said you guys had agreed not to trade it.
      BigFurryMonster says:
      True - but only while GoW were still at the trade table with you. Not after that!
      Togas says:
      that, plus ada getting an offer to withdraw the main annoying warrior + HBR + gold for writing. Was a good offer. I told him to go for it.
      BigFurryMonster says:
      Do you have Writing already? I did not keep track of the # of turns
      Togas says:
      couple turns away, that's the funny part
      Togas says:
      selling something we STILL don't have
      BigFurryMonster says:
      Togas says:
      I consider you guys our closest allies in the game and good trade partners. If anything goes astray with GoW we're in business
      BigFurryMonster says:
      Well - all I can do is hope you throw enough sand in the engine...
      Togas says:
      If they'll give in, well, it's worth it. I'll take it. If not, they'll have to try to buy writing instead of trading for it.
      Togas says:
      drop a PM to jdjdjd from my team to let him know under what circumstances you can trade HBR
      Togas says:
      frankly, he's annoyed that we're not trading with you. This will give him a little ammo for the discussion.
      BigFurryMonster says:
      I can now see what GoW is doing - they first send you an annoying warrior, then they offer to withdraw as part of a deal...
      Togas says:
      yeah, that was their first offer. They later agreed to toss in gold. I think that's where we broke through and came to an agreement.
      Togas says:
      but I'll send ada a PM right now to make sure that they ALSO agree that the other guy is out.
      BigFurryMonster says:
      "other guy" ?
      Togas says:
      two warriors. 1 was between our cities, the other is 6-8 tiles away in the mountains, checking things out.
      BigFurryMonster says:
      I see.
      Togas says:
      we sent 2 warriors to follow him around, get in his path, annoy him, etc
      BigFurryMonster says:
      How annoying
      Togas says:
      it worked Slowed him down a lot, pinned him in a couple times
      BigFurryMonster says:
      (in fact - you're sending him back to us, aren't you )
      Togas says:
      he'll go back towards ND. He's west of us
      BigFurryMonster says:
      Togas says:
      do you do all the diplomacy?
      BigFurryMonster says:
      Together with Trip, yes.
      BigFurryMonster says:
      Keeps things easy.
      BigFurryMonster says:
      Sometimes, another member of ours joins in a chat
      Togas says:
      it's different over here. I sort of manage things (as a Despot would) but I have a guy for each team
      Togas says:
      interesting thing is, my guy for every one of my teams seems to become a "fan" of their team
      BigFurryMonster says:
      I must leave now, since I have an appointment at the doctor's office... be back in 40 mins or so
      Togas says:
      and I'll have my ambassadors arguing with each other about who we should deal with, etc
      BigFurryMonster says:

      Togas says:
      Arnelos calls it "Going native"
      Togas says:
      I need to sleep, anyhow. Chat with you another time, I'm sure
      Togas says:
      and be sure to get that PM sent to jdjdjd, ok?
      BigFurryMonster says:
      I will. You just keep checking the MSN.
      Togas says:
      will do
      BigFurryMonster says:


      Hi jdjdjd !

      How disappointing! We just settled things with GoW (thanks again for the PM to them - it helped!) and agreed to be able to trade with you. I talked to your boss Togas about this, and he explained the situation. GoW is offering an amount of gold plus the retreat of their warrior, he said. That might be a better deal for you, however, remember that GoW sent that warrior there in the first place. I don't think the retreat of it should be part of the deal, but that is entirely up to you.

      Togas said that his preference is to trade with us, and we can do business if things with GoW go astray after all. If this is the case, we can talk more about trading contact with Vox...

      Do you have MSN Messenger? It will help to get in closer contact. My address:

      Greatest moments in cat:


      • #33
        This thread will be continued in the "The Civ Files" thread.
        Greatest moments in cat:

