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Foreign Ministry Orders and Main Discussion Offices

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  • Foreign Ministry Orders and Main Discussion Offices

    Foreign Ministry Offices:

    This is the main Foreign Affairs section, where the main diplomatic proposals and ideas can be discussed ready for ambassadors to make the deals with the other teams.

    1st Turn Agenda Summary (2310bc)

    Anyone can discuss these resolutions, if no one objects they will go ahead.

    Resolution A:
    Try to make contact with NDE again, at least to open a channel of communication to see if they wish to be more friendly, or just to find out more info on them. We can try and trade some techs with them, but not get into long deals until a happy relationship is created.

    Res. B:

    Try and locate and contact the remaining civs, Legoland in particular ( we know about the others). It may be neccesary to go overseas.

    Res. C:

    Find and communicate with minor tribe huts, we may be able to get some nice settlers/cities /techs. It may be neccesary to go overseas.

    Res. D:

    Trade Iron working with GoW for their horseback riding, when they finish it in 5 turns. If someone goes wrong with this plan, we need to reassess our trade system, and start more reserarch on our own i suggest.

    General Foreign Charter:
    1. We should use espionage and diplomacy to find out as much about our fellow teams as possible, some outposts or troops placed in distant areas can help to see enemy troop movements.

    There are many other issues, which I'll bring up later, or if anyone else makes up some good ideas we can decide if they are feasible and good.

  • #2
    I agree with all of them, but if we go overseas, we might be passing by Vox's territories. We need clearance from them to go through with that plan.
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