Well, I built our second city, 'Regio Equorum' (which just sounded cool, we can rename it later if absolutely necassary
), this turn, 2 tiles N of the ND city.
1st Warrior to the south has nearly finished its journey, and is now 1 tile away from Invictus. 2nd Warrior to the west continues to explore and unveils more of the western bounds of our landmass (which includes desert and mountains, nothing too exciting). 3rd Warrior makes its way north to see what lies up there, seeing nothing new yet.
Invictus continues to work on its granary, and is still well over 10 turns away from completion.
My friends and comrades, I anticipate tough times in the future for our great civilization. We have half the number of cities as our nearest neighbor. One city will be producing merely a granary for many years to come. The other is embedded within poor terrain, making certain that our growth will be stunted.
Okay, enough of the silly business. Fact is that we're going to be in big trouble geographically and militarily soon unless we do something. It will only be a matter of time before ND settlers flood into the Military Border, claiming much, if not most of it for them, rather than us. GoW may cut the size of the Northern Province in half should they expand towards us. Right now we have two cities. Both are size 1. One is producing a granary. The other has no sources of food greater than 1 within its radius, meaning that growth will be slow until our worker gets to the city, chops some trees, and sets up some irrigation. It currently produces 2 shields per turn, giving it a somewhat strong shield punch.
This should help some with our military situation. Luckily, even after building our city we seem to retain our position of having the #1 military in the world. 1 of our units is too far away from us to be of much use (on the other side of the continent), giving us a meager 3 effective units with which to defend our homeland. Regio Equorum is producing a Spearman, and will finish it in 10 turns, which is an acceptable, but not good period of time.
We're currently last in a variety of demographics, including # of cities (for all intents and purposes), population, industry, economy, score, you name it. We're going to have to play catch-up going into the Middle Ages.
So what do we do? Well, hopefully we can figure that out.
First, I suggest that we need to assert our presence in the Military Border. Bring all the units we have over to the area, keeping ND away from our capital (making sure they don't know it's undefended. Put units in strategic spots. Make sure no settlers slip through, undermining our authority in the area. 1st Warrior will be transferred immediately, and 3rd Warrior will soon follow after exploring to the north.
Second, strong diplomatic relations. We have to remain on good terms with GoW and Roleplay, and make sure we can count on them to support us. I want to form some sort of guideline agreement with GoW in case a war breaks out between us and ND, something similar to what we will soon have with Roleplay. Speaking of Roleplay, we need to finalize the alliance, and set up borders. We need to be more active with tech trading... We have no idea where GoW or Roleplay is regarding research. These are things that cannot be ignored. ND has a head start in # of cities, contacts and research. They are the main enemy. We cannot allow them to get an upper hand over us technologically. Luckily, we will control the flow of Iron Working on our continent. Only Vox and us will have the tech in the immediate future, giving us an advantage there. We need to press that advantage home, and make sure that at the very least, ND does not acquire the tech within the next 15 or 20 turns.
Third, if possible, we should try to negotiate for land with ND, to, if nothing else, slow down their march east. Our units can only do so much in stopping their expansion. We can press home that the building of their recent city is in direct violation of our agreement (whether it was agreed to or not is in question, but then again, so are a lot of things with our relations with ND, it's just another thing to deal with).
I need people to help me with these things and stay on top of them. Calc has been very active with Vox, so I know I can count on him to take care of things there. I'd like to take care of Roleplay and GoW and ND myself, but my current responsibilities including some out-of-game issues prevent me from bearing the whole load. Therefore, I'll need people to take up the task of intense discussions with them.
All of these are issues which we must address, and swiftly, before our disadvantages grow faster than our advantages.
May the borders of Luxia expand from one side of the continent to the other, and our glory to shine as an example to all other nations.
Lux Invicta Victor.

1st Warrior to the south has nearly finished its journey, and is now 1 tile away from Invictus. 2nd Warrior to the west continues to explore and unveils more of the western bounds of our landmass (which includes desert and mountains, nothing too exciting). 3rd Warrior makes its way north to see what lies up there, seeing nothing new yet.
Invictus continues to work on its granary, and is still well over 10 turns away from completion.
My friends and comrades, I anticipate tough times in the future for our great civilization. We have half the number of cities as our nearest neighbor. One city will be producing merely a granary for many years to come. The other is embedded within poor terrain, making certain that our growth will be stunted.
Okay, enough of the silly business. Fact is that we're going to be in big trouble geographically and militarily soon unless we do something. It will only be a matter of time before ND settlers flood into the Military Border, claiming much, if not most of it for them, rather than us. GoW may cut the size of the Northern Province in half should they expand towards us. Right now we have two cities. Both are size 1. One is producing a granary. The other has no sources of food greater than 1 within its radius, meaning that growth will be slow until our worker gets to the city, chops some trees, and sets up some irrigation. It currently produces 2 shields per turn, giving it a somewhat strong shield punch.
This should help some with our military situation. Luckily, even after building our city we seem to retain our position of having the #1 military in the world. 1 of our units is too far away from us to be of much use (on the other side of the continent), giving us a meager 3 effective units with which to defend our homeland. Regio Equorum is producing a Spearman, and will finish it in 10 turns, which is an acceptable, but not good period of time.
We're currently last in a variety of demographics, including # of cities (for all intents and purposes), population, industry, economy, score, you name it. We're going to have to play catch-up going into the Middle Ages.
So what do we do? Well, hopefully we can figure that out.
First, I suggest that we need to assert our presence in the Military Border. Bring all the units we have over to the area, keeping ND away from our capital (making sure they don't know it's undefended. Put units in strategic spots. Make sure no settlers slip through, undermining our authority in the area. 1st Warrior will be transferred immediately, and 3rd Warrior will soon follow after exploring to the north.
Second, strong diplomatic relations. We have to remain on good terms with GoW and Roleplay, and make sure we can count on them to support us. I want to form some sort of guideline agreement with GoW in case a war breaks out between us and ND, something similar to what we will soon have with Roleplay. Speaking of Roleplay, we need to finalize the alliance, and set up borders. We need to be more active with tech trading... We have no idea where GoW or Roleplay is regarding research. These are things that cannot be ignored. ND has a head start in # of cities, contacts and research. They are the main enemy. We cannot allow them to get an upper hand over us technologically. Luckily, we will control the flow of Iron Working on our continent. Only Vox and us will have the tech in the immediate future, giving us an advantage there. We need to press that advantage home, and make sure that at the very least, ND does not acquire the tech within the next 15 or 20 turns.
Third, if possible, we should try to negotiate for land with ND, to, if nothing else, slow down their march east. Our units can only do so much in stopping their expansion. We can press home that the building of their recent city is in direct violation of our agreement (whether it was agreed to or not is in question, but then again, so are a lot of things with our relations with ND, it's just another thing to deal with).
I need people to help me with these things and stay on top of them. Calc has been very active with Vox, so I know I can count on him to take care of things there. I'd like to take care of Roleplay and GoW and ND myself, but my current responsibilities including some out-of-game issues prevent me from bearing the whole load. Therefore, I'll need people to take up the task of intense discussions with them.
All of these are issues which we must address, and swiftly, before our disadvantages grow faster than our advantages.
May the borders of Luxia expand from one side of the continent to the other, and our glory to shine as an example to all other nations.
Lux Invicta Victor.