We should expect Vox to move into coast within 1-2 turns. We can afford the warrior to fortify for one turn right?
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Dissidents reply:
We welcome such a great industrious civilization accross our shores. Our foreign advisor BetaHound should have contacted you with formal diplomacy- in a bottle of course. But I just wanted to inform you we can maybe meet accross the straight in 40 years (1 turn). It might be 2 turns for you- as we have just played our turn. So one more for us. We look forward to contact with a civilization with similar interests.:-p
Good that we discovered the Bottling Technology recently (it can also be useful to store those grapes we found - let's see what happens).
How are we going to exchange techs? By yelling across the strait? We don't have Alphabet yet, so we can't use the bottles... but then again, how did we make contact in the first place?
I sense a paradox here...Greatest moments in cat: