Considering the close proximity of GoW and NDE, we will need to plan for the possibility that one of the 2 will try to rush us, especially NDE. I will reserve judgement of GoW until we have initial discussions with them. Of course their likelhood of doing this depends on how much land they have, any other civs in the vicinity and what resources they do or do not have. Very soon NDE will have 3 cities and if they indeed did place their 2nd city (using the hut settler) very close to their cap, that might be further evidence that they are going to attempt some early warmongering. For adequate defense for now, 2 spears on our 2nd city should stop any archer rush they could mount at this point, considering the city will be on a hill.
No announcement yet.
short term military plans
As War Minister I have consistently argued this point...I just hope that our wreckless expansion plans don't leave our doors wide open..."If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.
We need to make a stand at our 2nd city. That is the most vital keypoint. If we hold onto it, that would mean we have 2 angles to attack either civ from, meaning their resources will be much thinner. Beyond that, we should plant some units (defenders ideally) on the other front (probably the mountains with NDE). Chances are NDE will get pretty far past the mountains before we can stop them, so we'll need a few offensive units to contain them.
Build priorities for 2nd city: 2nd Spearman, Archer, Spearman, Archer, Settler (probably have to cut out that last Archer to get the Settler done). Defense is our priority now so that 2nd Spearman will be very useful. We'll need some counter-punching ability, so an Archer. The next Spearman to help hold the mountains, and following Archer to help retake it, and bring to war to them.
- Holding onto the 2nd city (the big one).
- Containing penetration into our territory using counter-attacks mainly.
I agree, this early in the game, unless you know you have a hefty offensive advantage over your oponent, I would plan on fighting a holding/defensive war, giving ground extremely slowly, but causing serious casualties.
You could call it the Porkupine strategy
Also, you're going to want a wall in the first and second city and two spearmen inside."If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.