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Neu Demogyptica: Final Showdown

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  • #16
    I would ignore their request to remove the warrior, and tell them no real border treaty has been signed.
    Chase their settler and stop it settling on a hill etc if possible.
    We could say they have to disband their scout and we will allow the border to stay, as its well within the border.
    In fact i think we should counter threaten them, telling them if they do not remove the scout we will declare war on them, and not make any negotiations.
    We could later come to some 'agreement' like a peace of friendship agreement, to try and stop the war.. when they realise they could be in trouble they may suddenly try and be nice to us, and worship at our feet hehe.

    Tell them we can live without an alliance or deals with them.

    It would be useful if we could find other civs soon, perhaps uncover the fog, they could be useful allies against ND if we get into trouble.


    • #17
      We could also be REAL dirty, walk to their capital, capture their worker and destroy their improvements.... *evil grin*
      Greatest moments in cat:


      • #18
        GoW may be of use in any wars with ND, I strongly suspect GoW have made some deals with ND, see my GoW Ambassador Forum.

        We may be able to contact GoW very soon, if all goes according to plan.



        • #19
          Seriously doubt? GoW is one of the highest 3rd civ candidate on my speculation thread. NDE IS scheming with a 3rd civ that we are blind about. It HAS to be either Vox or GoW IMO. If it turns out to be GoW, We'll get burned big time.

          I suggest looking south for GoW/Vox/3rd civ. We are pretty high up in the map so its likely they are located lower than us. Also since NDE seems to be located to the west and interested in expanding south, GoW maybe more westward than NDE.
          Last edited by Zero; December 18, 2002, 19:50.


          • #20
            Yes... we need to find an ally just in case relations with NDE go really sour soon. This may be why GoW wants to trade maps with us...

            Most important things to keep in mind right now:

            We need DEFENSE. Sure, Archers/swordsmen are great, but we're not really out to go and capture anything at the moment... we have bigger fish to fry. Holding onto what we acquire peacefully is a more viable plan than going out and conquering anyone. The nature of the terrain in the area makes defense even more attractive.

            We need to EXPAND. Taking the disputed land would be a big boost to us, especially if we can do so and avoid war. If we can cut them off to THEIR north and east, then we'll have a ton of land for the taking.


            • #21
              Trip, the recipricol of your strategy/expansion plan is NDE's strategy, and is why they will not agree to any border resolutions.

              Speermen first, but they will need archers/swordmen to back them up and make the defense much more secure...If I could get my dang file uploaded....I could show you precisely what I mean.
              "If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.


              • #22
                "Showdown with saddam!" -CBS Radio 880AM-
                "Showdown with Borc!" -Lux Invictus Press-

