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Ministry of the Interior (Part I)

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  • Ministry of the Interior (Part I)

    The Ministry of the Interior controls (at least) the following things:

    The Luxuries Slider
    The Science Slider
    The Science Path
    Worker Movement and Actions (with the Ministry of War)
    Infrastruture (Roads and such)
    Settler Movement
    City Placement and Naming
    City Build Queues
    Population Happiness
    Population Labour
    Resource Strategy
    Trades (with the Foreign Ministry)
    The Treasury
    Cultural Issues

    All important decisions in these areas will be discussed with the LI members, if possible. If you have anything of the above that you would like to have addressed/discussed, please put them in this thread.

    Also - who would like to be a Deputy/Secretary (whatever you name it) in this Department? Please apply below - your input is valued!

    MotI BFM
    Greatest moments in cat:

  • #2
    Good we need that info. By the way shouldn't we set up a "next move" thread for the ministers to state their moves for the next turn a la as being used in regular demogame?
    Citizen of the Apolyton team in the ISDG
    Currently known as Senor Rubris in the PTW DG team


    • #3
      Yes, that is a good plan. I will work on that ASAP (actually - the info is already there somewhere).
      Greatest moments in cat:


      • #4
        Maybe foreign ministers can get a say on road and culture aspects, where they relate to foreign powers.
        Roads and trade buildings specifically, so as to get trade networks to other civs, internal trade is the interiors job(linking everything).

        External culture from enemy civs might be important when determining how much culture we need, and whether our cities will be taken over by flips.
        The main use for our culture will be to assimilate enemy cities that we've conquered, as it dosen't affect diplomacy directly.

        We'll need to work together on science too, I will try and find out what other civs are researching, as we will hope to want to trade techs with others(or steal).

        Peter J.T
        Foreign Minister Alpha

