Here's a poll to figure out which should be our priority, since chances are we'll only get one of the good ones (if that).
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Which Great Wonder?
Great Library.
Then again, I'd have to look at our start. If we end up in a high-food area (lots of grasslands and flood plains), go for the GL. If we end up with no fresh water within a thousand miles, or lots and lots of plains, desert, and tundra, go for the Pyramids.
Trip raises a good point-- what if we get stuck in that #%$& jungle again?
Now, if by some odd chance, we pull two leaders from early war...Just put them in different cities, if at all possible, m'kay?
I voted for the Pyramids only because depending on our situation it may make more sense. However, if we don't really have a need for granaries, then by all means go for GL. Also, we will be at a disadvantage to attain the GL."If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.