My friends and comrades, our time runs thin. We must approve our government and set up the offices of the state.
Current Constitution Candidate:
Vote yes or no as far as if this document should be ratified (can be modified later, we just need some framework and ministers before the game starts
Current Constitution Candidate:
- Administrator:
Runs stuff, plays the game, organizes the team, is also the tie-breaker for polls.
- Minister of War:
Moves units, plans wars and military action.
- Minister of the Interior:
Determines build queues, orchestrates worker actions, establishes research, etc.
- Minister of Foreign Affairs:
Concerned with all things to do with other teams, including trade.
Whichever nominee for each office gets the most votes in a 4-day election obtains the office.
Each minister will hold office for 3 weeks before a new election is to be held. There are no restrictions upon how many times a member can hold office.
The only polls that requires official 2/3 support of the team will be declarations of war, impeachment of ministers, changing government and removing a member from the team.
Any other decisions will be undertaken by a vote amongst the entire team, and the option to recieve the most votes is the chosen one.
Runs stuff, plays the game, organizes the team, is also the tie-breaker for polls.
- Minister of War:
Moves units, plans wars and military action.
- Minister of the Interior:
Determines build queues, orchestrates worker actions, establishes research, etc.
- Minister of Foreign Affairs:
Concerned with all things to do with other teams, including trade.
Whichever nominee for each office gets the most votes in a 4-day election obtains the office.
Each minister will hold office for 3 weeks before a new election is to be held. There are no restrictions upon how many times a member can hold office.
The only polls that requires official 2/3 support of the team will be declarations of war, impeachment of ministers, changing government and removing a member from the team.
Any other decisions will be undertaken by a vote amongst the entire team, and the option to recieve the most votes is the chosen one.
