Originally posted by vondrack
playing our turn yesterday, I noticed I had the starting position incorrectly copied into the first turn of my simulation, having few more shields already accumulated. Considering this error, The Great Lighthouse would be finished one turn later. However, as we will be missing the 300 shield mark by very little, I will have a look and try twisting the plan so that we get it still on Turn 105.
playing our turn yesterday, I noticed I had the starting position incorrectly copied into the first turn of my simulation, having few more shields already accumulated. Considering this error, The Great Lighthouse would be finished one turn later. However, as we will be missing the 300 shield mark by very little, I will have a look and try twisting the plan so that we get it still on Turn 105.
The major differences against the original plan:
1) we will CUT THE GAME FOREST first (affects this very turn!), later irrigating it - this will allow us to feed pop 7 in Panama)
2) we will need Jason to help a bit
3) we will make more money
A have also extended the table to show how long it would take to finish the Pyramids, if we changed our mind in the process and went for them instead of the Great Lighthouse.
Thinking of the arguments raised in your responses, I'm now considering The Pyramids much more of an option... even to the extent of being equally important as the Lighthouse, because of their neverexpiring effect. I agree that we will need the proper combination of wonders to trigger our GA... and Pyramids are undoubtedly the best industrial wonder available for a long time.
Well, I presume that the fundamental decision, to go for two great wonders, is generally supported by the whole team. The only question opened remains that of the second wonder to build.
OK, let's rock-n-roll!