This is the official poll for the ratification of Magna Chartaginia, The Constitution of Legoland.
You can read the final draft in this thread
Vote "YEA" if you accept the Constitution in its current form, "NAY" if you reject it or "ABSTAIN" if you abstain.
This poll will be open at least 5 days or until at least 66% of the members of Senate will vote. The Constitution requires a majority of 66% of the votes to pass.
You can read the final draft in this thread
Vote "YEA" if you accept the Constitution in its current form, "NAY" if you reject it or "ABSTAIN" if you abstain.
This poll will be open at least 5 days or until at least 66% of the members of Senate will vote. The Constitution requires a majority of 66% of the votes to pass.