Ok, this thread will be for the discussion of our future growth as a nation. I have emailed Vondrack a map of our current visable land, with sites for future cities denoted. Once he posts it, I will explain what it means and my reasoning for each selection.
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The Lego Growth Plan
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As I managed to brilliantly forget to put my map attachement with my email to Vondrack, the map will be somewhat delayed. I am a simple builder of plastic-block structures; these crazy com-pew-ters are a mystery to me
Originally posted by ZargonX
As I managed to brilliantly forget to put my map attachement with my email to Vondrack, the map will be somewhat delayed. I am a simple builder of plastic-block structures; these crazy com-pew-ters are a mystery to me
I got your resent message just minutes before leaving for a Chinese massage... thus the delay.
Here is the picture:
Nice. I disagree with the southernmost city, though; I think it should be moved one tileSWEdit: SE; I don't think we can have a city that's literally coastal . Hills are a valuable combo with the fertile grasslands in that area, and it will put the wheat Flood Plains in the city's radius. Also, there will be less overlap with a city northwest of there near the grassland wheat.
Ok, now that everyone can see the map, I can talk about it. Obviously, the red circles are proposed city sites, but of course none of them are by any means final.
The canal city location is pretty set, unless something amazing is lurking further up the isthmus. Kloreep: those are some good thoughts aboutt the southern city. I may have to reconsider that one. As for the large circle, I would like to see more of the area before making a more precise selection.
As we learn more about the lands around us, I will update thhe map accordingly.
Another good potential city location is NE of the western wheat in the south. That would grow fairly quickly due to the wheat and the nearby grasslands but would also eventually get the gold and have nearby hills and mountains.
Regarding the southern city, I am split between Zargon's and Kloreep's suggested city sites as both have merit. I hope that our exploration to the east of there will help with that decision.
I agree that the canal city in the west is a logical location - however if there is a civ west of us we may want to block the isthmus with a city (though that can be a double edged sword if we lost that type of city).
I suspect that Angus's current location east of the dyes may be another potential good location although we would need to clear a lot of jungle first of course.
I think we should first spread cities near our capital then expand further out. I would put our next settler on the Dye fields, we need to secure them quickly and use them to quell unrest in our cities.
I dont want to start a new thread for this and dont know were else to post it so I will post it here. I really think that we need to start producing workers soon to start clearing the jungle that is near our cities. If we want to grow we will need to clear all of this jungle.
Right, I have just sent a new part of the plan to Vondrack to deal with our latest windfall. Again, once he posts, I will explain...
Okay, so there it is. Basically, the blue X is my proposed site for our new settler friend, and the red X is reserved for a future settler. My resoning is that these two sites provide minor overlap, but give both cities good production and growth tiles. The space marked "1" would be a shared floodplain, but most likely marked off for the red city, as the blue will have the wheat to satisfy a good portion of its food needs.
Of course, this could all change depending on what lurks in the darkness southwest of the blue X...
I do agree with these two sites (there seems to be nothing bad SE of the Farmerville site - see the latest Chronicle update).
I have played a bit with a general layout of our cities and hope to be able to post a neat plan later today. For now, I will just note that the two sites you point out are the same in my own plan and they are very high on my priority list.