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City Location Poll

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  • City Location Poll

    This is a poll to determine which location we should settle our next city in. We need the answer very shortly, and I apologize for the lateness of the poll (Holiday season and all that...).
    The Eastern Shore
    The Western Hills
    No Pref.

    The poll is expired.

    I make movies. Come check 'em out.

  • #2
    Well, I voted for the West Hill City first, but after rethinking the East Coast possibilities, I would now vote for the East Coast city built on the northernmost tip of the Howard's Range, just SW of the sea cow.


    • #3
      So far, it seems that the Eastern Shore is the decided spot. As such, we must now decide a specific location. I will review all of the options and present a case for each shortly...
      I make movies. Come check 'em out.


      • #4
        I don't think we have so many choices.

        The original location would be a bad one, because we lose not only the early benefits of the sea-cow, but also the possibility to have later a decent city in the desert area.

        The other possibilities would be the hill SW fro the sea-cow or the grassland, S->SE from the cow. Running a simulation between these two is useless IMHO, because both of them would use the same tiles for a few centuries: the cow and the bonus grasslands. Both are coastal cities, both could build the Collosus and/or the Great Lighthouse. So which from these 2 should we choose, depends entirely on our far-future plans for the city. On the long run the SE grasland city will become better (after clearing the jungle tiles), but with the price of losing the possibility to have a decent city near the desert.

        There is one more place we could use: the desert tile NW from the cow. It is a moderately good spot, with one cow, one bonus-grassland and several hills. The site isn't a very good one, but it allows us to build a second city SE from the dyes.

        Tough decision.
        "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
        --George Bernard Shaw
        A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
        --Woody Allen


        • #5
          So, where shall we settle our next city and how should we name it?

          I vote for the hill (SW from the sea-cow).
          "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
          --George Bernard Shaw
          A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
          --Woody Allen


          • #6
            Judging from all the discussions elsewhere, I take it the general concensus is to build city number two on the hill south of the sea-cow. If there are no outright objections, I will make this the official order from the MB.

            As for the name... Howard Hills? Jack Town? Sandbox Heights?
            I make movies. Come check 'em out.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ZargonX
              Judging from all the discussions elsewhere, I take it the general concensus is to build city number two on the hill south of the sea-cow. If there are no outright objections, I will make this the official order from the MB.

              As for the name... Howard Hills? Jack Town? Sandbox Heights?
              Good, it's great to have some ministerial orders finally!

              I'd go for Howard Hills or Jacktown myself.

              EDIT: I posted this in aother thread, but it may be good to repeat it here. Zargon, be so kind, please, and put your order into the Ministerial Orders thread, so that Tibi can easily grab it and put into the Guidelines thread.

              I know, it is bureaucracy... but still, we need to follow some sort of a system. Otherwise, it may be difficult for Jack to play the turn if he is in a hurry and has not enough time to read through all the threads we use for discussion.
              Last edited by vondrack; December 31, 2002, 16:14.

