The Government of Legoland (second term)
President: Vondrack
Master Builder, VP: ZargonX
Foreign Minister: redstar1
Military Architect: Tiberius
The Enlightened: Spiffor
Ambassador to Gathering Storm: quantum_mechani
Ambassador to Neu Demogyptica: Colonel Kraken
Ambassador to Glory of War: ZargonX
Ambassador to Roleplayers: Nimitz
Ambassador to Vox Controli: Odin
Ambassador to Lux Invicta: lmtoops
Even though there is not much of activity in ministerial orders, I thought we shouldn't let this thread dye. The "Discussion ..." thread seems to be good enough for now, but we might need this thread later or even now for giving more weight to official orders (as opposed to the "suggestions" from the Discussion thread).
President: Vondrack
Master Builder, VP: ZargonX
Foreign Minister: redstar1
Military Architect: Tiberius
The Enlightened: Spiffor
Ambassador to Gathering Storm: quantum_mechani
Ambassador to Neu Demogyptica: Colonel Kraken
Ambassador to Glory of War: ZargonX
Ambassador to Roleplayers: Nimitz
Ambassador to Vox Controli: Odin
Ambassador to Lux Invicta: lmtoops
Even though there is not much of activity in ministerial orders, I thought we shouldn't let this thread dye. The "Discussion ..." thread seems to be good enough for now, but we might need this thread later or even now for giving more weight to official orders (as opposed to the "suggestions" from the Discussion thread).