Turn 30
2590 BC - Disappointment: Just A Peninsula
Expectations were high... we hoped Howard would find the isthmus to be a landbridge to another landmass we could explore and possibly settle later on. Well, it seems we will have to part with this idea. Even though there may still be some little hope, Howard sent a message he was quite certain there's just a peninsula to the north, mostly hills and a high peak... He intends to climb the peak to be able to see as much of the surrounding ocean as possible. In the light of these news, our Numidian Mercenary turned back towards Legopolis. Escorting settlers and enforcing laws in Legopolis will sure be much better job for him than idling at the isthmus...
Well, that was bad news. Fortunately, we do have some good news, too. Gaul reports there seems to be at least a bit of more land to the south of the desert he has been crossing for some time. He is currently standing on the hillsteps of a range running from NW to SE. Very soon, he will be standing atop of it and able to report on whether there is more land further South, beyond the range, or not.
Conan has taken care of escorting our new priceless asset, a party of Sumerians, to the site of our next city. Since the Sumerians would have preferred staying in their old village, Conan went to great lengths to explain the terrain there was no good for health. Remembering not just one epidemy of deadly diseases, the Sumerians eventually decided to follow his advice and moved just a bit to the SE, against the flow of Eastfork River. They were lucky to find a wonderful place there and shall be founding their new home very soon.

The expansion of our empire is speeding up! Some already speak of a rapid expansion...
Legopolis will have another party of colonists ready pretty soon! However, because of the recent discoveries made by Howard, the party may eventually be sent to a different location than the previously planned site at the isthmus.

Top 5 Cities
2590 BC - Disappointment: Just A Peninsula
Expectations were high... we hoped Howard would find the isthmus to be a landbridge to another landmass we could explore and possibly settle later on. Well, it seems we will have to part with this idea. Even though there may still be some little hope, Howard sent a message he was quite certain there's just a peninsula to the north, mostly hills and a high peak... He intends to climb the peak to be able to see as much of the surrounding ocean as possible. In the light of these news, our Numidian Mercenary turned back towards Legopolis. Escorting settlers and enforcing laws in Legopolis will sure be much better job for him than idling at the isthmus...
Well, that was bad news. Fortunately, we do have some good news, too. Gaul reports there seems to be at least a bit of more land to the south of the desert he has been crossing for some time. He is currently standing on the hillsteps of a range running from NW to SE. Very soon, he will be standing atop of it and able to report on whether there is more land further South, beyond the range, or not.
Conan has taken care of escorting our new priceless asset, a party of Sumerians, to the site of our next city. Since the Sumerians would have preferred staying in their old village, Conan went to great lengths to explain the terrain there was no good for health. Remembering not just one epidemy of deadly diseases, the Sumerians eventually decided to follow his advice and moved just a bit to the SE, against the flow of Eastfork River. They were lucky to find a wonderful place there and shall be founding their new home very soon.

The expansion of our empire is speeding up! Some already speak of a rapid expansion...

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