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Great Wonders

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  • Great Wonders

    I think we need to prioritize the wonders: What wonders we must build, what are those that we'd like to build and what are those that we build only if we have nothing else to do. It is important because the tech path we will follow is dependent on this.
    I'd split them in 4 categories:

    Must have wonders

    High priority wonders

    Medium priority wonders

    Low priority wonders

    Once we decided about them, I'll fill in the blanks
    "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
    --George Bernard Shaw
    A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
    --Woody Allen

  • #2
    List of wonders: (to help you choose)

    Scientific wonders:

    Great Library
    - Requires: Literature
    - Culture: 6
    - Civilization receives any civilization advance already discovered by 2 other known civs for free

    Copernicus' Observatory
    - Requires: Astronomy
    - Culture: 4
    - Doubles science output in that city.

    Theory of Evolution
    - Requires: Scientific Method
    - Culture: 3
    - Gives 2 free techs.

    Newton's University
    - Requires: Theory of Gravity
    - Culture: 6
    - Doubles science output of city

    SETI Program
    - Requires: Computers
    - Culture: 3
    - Doubles science output of city

    - Requires: miniaturization 4
    - Culture: 4
    - Acts as a research lab in all your cities on the same continent.

    Commercial wonders:

    - Requires: Bronze Woking
    - Culture: 3
    - +1 commerce in any square already producing commerce in that city

    Leonardo's Workshop
    - Requires: Invention
    - Culture: 2
    - Halves the upgrade cost of units

    Smith's Trading Co.
    - Requires: Economics
    - Culture: 3
    - Free maintenance for Marketplaces, Banks, Harbors, and Airports.

    Happiness wonders

    - Requires: Mysticism
    - Culture: 4
    - Doubles the effect of all temples

    Hanging Gardens
    - Requires: Monarchy
    - Culture: 4
    - Makes 3 unhappy citizens content in its city and one unhappy citizen content in your other cities

    Sistine Chapel
    - Requires: Theology
    - Culture: 6
    - Doubles the effect of Cathedrals.

    Bach's Cathedral
    - Requires: Music Theory
    - Culture: 5
    - Decreases the number of unhappy people by 2 in each city on the same continent.

    Shakespeare's Theatre
    - Requires: Free Artistry
    - Culture: 6
    - Makes 8 unhappy citizens in that city content.

    Cure for Cancer
    - Requires: Genetics
    - Culture: 4
    - Makes one unhappy citizen content in all your cities

    Growth wonders

    - Requires: Masonry
    - Culture: 4
    - Acts as a granary in all your cities on the same continent.

    - Requires: Genetics
    - Culture: 3
    - Population increases by 2 instead of 1 when the food box is filled

    Militaristic wonders

    Great Wall
    - Requires: Construction
    - Culture: 2
    - Doubles effects of city walls and attack strength vs. barbarians.

    Sun tzu's Art of War
    - Requires: Feudalism
    - Culture: 2
    - Barracks in all your cities on that continent

    Manhattan Project
    - Requires: Fission
    - Culture: 2
    - Allows construction of nuclear weapons by all civilizations

    Universal Suffrage
    - Requires: Industrialization
    - Culture: 4
    - Reduces war weariness in all your cities.
    (note: also a happiness wonder)

    Sea wonders

    - Requires: Map Making
    - Culture: 2
    - +1 ship movement. Galleys can travel safely at sea

    Magellan's Voyage
    - Requires: Navigation
    - Culture: 3
    - Movement of all naval units is increased by 1.

    other wonders

    Hoover Dam
    - Requires: Electronics
    - Culture: 3
    - Acts as a Hydro Plant in all your cities on that continent.

    United Nations
    - Requires: Fission
    - Culture: 4
    - Enables diplomatic victory.
    Last edited by Tiberius; November 23, 2002, 06:06.
    "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
    --George Bernard Shaw
    A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
    --Woody Allen


    • #3
      Let me know if I made mistakes or I missed something.

      Oh yes, somebody could help me about the Internet or other changes in PtW?
      "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
      --George Bernard Shaw
      A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
      --Woody Allen


      • #4
        Internet provides the effect of a research lab in every city.
        I make movies. Come check 'em out.


        • #5
          "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
          --George Bernard Shaw
          A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
          --Woody Allen


          • #6
            Nobody? OK, here are my choices:

            Must have wonders
            - Great Library
            - Sistine Chapel
            - Smith's Trading Co.
            - Theory of Evolution

            High priority wonders
            - Pyramids
            - Colossus
            - Leonardo's Workshop
            - Bach's Cathedral
            - Cure for Cancer
            - Hoover Dam
            - United Nations

            Medium priority wonders
            - Copernicus' Observatory
            - Newton's University
            - SETI Program
            - Internet
            - Oracle
            - Hanging Gardens
            - Shakespeare's Theatre
            - Sun tzu's Art of War
            - Great Wall
            - Universal Suffrage

            Low priority wonders
            - Longevity
            - Manhattan Project

            Depends on the map:
            Magellan's Voyage

            If you think it's not that important, I won't insist.
            "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
            --George Bernard Shaw
            A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
            --Woody Allen


            • #7
              Ok, this is what I would say:

              Must Haves
              Great Library
              Sistine Chapel
              Smith's Trading Company
              Universal Suffrage:
              Because we're probably going to stay in Democracy, we'll want to be able to maximize the time we can stay in war while maintaining a democracy (if someone attacks us or we are obligated into honoring an alliance).
              Hoover Dam:I would think this would be without question for a builder civ. If for nothing else than to keep this out of the hands of our enemies.

              High Priorities
              In other words: gold, gold, gold; science, science, science. These aren't make or break, but they make our lives much easier and put us in a much stronger position.
              Leonardo's Workshop
              Copernicus' Observatory
              Newton's University
              Theory of Evolution
              SETI Program

              Medium Priorities
              This depends on our terrain. Could be a high priority if we get stuck in slow growth terrain. Not real necessary where we've got wheat, cows, and flood plains. We don't want our city growth outstrip our ability to build settlers/workers and create a happyiness problem.
              Oracle:Same deal. If we find that our cities are growing (or are going to be growing) way too fast, we may need this to keep happiness. If not, I don't see this as a high priority, especially if we are producing settlers/workers fast enough to keep city population down. For cities that may be getting a little big, we'll be able to compensate with luxuries/marketplaces.
              United Nations:I put this in the medium category, not because it's a much lower priority, but that I don't think we're really going to have to fight for this one too much. As a peaceful, builder civ, this wonder should be given some serious weight.

              All the rest of the Wonders are nice, but not necessary. I would say most of my list of High Priorities would normally be called that, but in our case, being in a very strong technological position is a priority.
              Last edited by Colonel Kraken; November 22, 2002, 12:59.


              • #8
                I'm excluding the

                Must have wonders
                Great Library: As builders, we should strive to be a tech leader. This will help ensure we do, and will prevent barbaric warmongers from taking advantage of our research.
                Sistine Chapel: An excellent wonder for us builders.
                Theory of Evolution: In SP, the Industrial Age is where I generally see my builder civ take off. In MP, the race is just gonna get tighter with all the great techs to have, and we should make sure we get a jump with this wonder.
                Hoover Dam: Unless it's an archipelago, this wonder more than pays for itself. A definite must.
                United Nations: An important wonder to control, whether or not we could win a vote.
                Internet: I don't have PTW and thus don't have much experience with this wonder, but it seems incredibly valuable - especially for non-scientifics like us, and especially if we find ourselves aiming for a space win.

                High priority wonders
                Pyramids: Depends on the map, of course, but this wonder should be quite useful short of an archipelago.
                Sun Tzu's: Also depends on the map, but keeping this away from the warmongers would be great. (On the other hand, this would make us a target for said warmongers.)
                Smith's: Money money money! And it saves even more with PTW!
                Universal Suffrage

                Medium priority wonders
                Colossus: A nice boost if we have a good coastal city, but there are more important wonders.
                Leonardo's Workshop: A nice moneysaver, and it would really annoy the warmongers if we got it. However, we'll probably have bigger wonders to fry, so I don't know what our chances are.

                Low priority wonders
                Hanging Gardens: Nice, but it does expire, and it's only one content face.
                Copernicus' Observatory: Nice, but not critical.
                Newton's University: Nice, but also not critical.
                SETI Program: Another non-critical wonder.


                • #9
                  I don't mean to sound harsh, but there will be plenty of time to discuss wonder building strategy... currently, it would be just a waste of time (IMHO). It's too early.

